Chapter Three: Your Quiet, I'm Not

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(Y/n): "Honestly im not surprised." I said with a calmed expression.

Penny: "Your not?" She asked me surprised.

(Y/n): "Well after Blake revealed she was a Faunus, I became more open minded, hehe I'm even open to the idea Yang's a dragon Faunus." I said as her and Ruby giggled, then penny's facial expression when back to a frown.

Penny: "I'm not real.." She said holding her hands out, me and Ruby both looked at each other and smiled as we grabbed her hands.

Ruby: "Of course you are. You think just because you have nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts, makes you any less real than us." She said as I gave Penny a hug instead.

(Y/n): "Penny you don't have to be human or have squishy guts." I said as I booped Ruby's nose as she giggled.

(Y/n): "The day we met we became friends, and friends always have each other, and yes maybe your not "Real" but honestly what is real or normal? Your different and your the best kind of different, so cheer up my little Penny we're here for you." I said as her hug got incredibly strong.

Penny: "Your the best boyfriend ever!" She said hugging the life out of me as she quickly let go and hugged Ruby too.

Penny: "Your the best friend anyone could have!" She said hugging the life out of Ruby.

Ruby(Muffled): "I can see why your father woukd want to protect such a delicate flower." She said nicely.

Penny: "He's very sweet, my father is the one that built me, I'm sure he'd love you both as you'd love him."

Ruby: "So he built you all by himself?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Truly he must be a genius, billionaire, playboy, philitrupis." I said out loud.

Penny: "Not exactly but he had some help from Mr. Ironwood." She said as me and Ruby looked at her confused.

Ruby: "The General? Wait! Is that why those soldiers were after you?" She asked.

Penny: "They like to protect me too." She said happily.

Ruby: "Pfft they don't think you can protect yourself." She asked.

Penny: "Their not sure if I'm ready." She said sounding disappointed.

Penny: "One day it will be my job to save the world, but I still have a lot left to learn, that's why my father let me come to the Vytal Fesatval, I want to see what it's like in the rest of the world, and test myself in the tournament. " She said.

Ruby: "Penny what are you talking about? Save the world from what?We're in a time of peace." She said as I looked at Ruby with worry, she has no idea, I don't understand it myself, but
If What Elcapone said is true then, there is a war coming I don't know when but Torchwick has answers and if I find him I'll have to beat it out of him.

Penny: "-That's not what Mr. Ironwood said." She said as we  looked at her very confused, so the general knows something too!?

??: "Check down here!" Someone yelled to our surprise.

Penny: "You have to hide!" She said as she lifted Ruby up with no struggle and She looked at me.

(Y/n): "Dumpster right I can do it myself." I said as I climbed in and Ruby was thrown in by Penny.

Penny: "Its okay Ruby their not bad people, I just don't want to get you two in trouble." She said smiling.

(Y/n): "Trouble is my middle name." I said joking.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.2Where stories live. Discover now