Chapter Six: The Pep Talk

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(Y/n)'s POV:

Ruby and I were called to Ozpin's office, Most likely it was because we fought that lady in black last night, I wasn't sure but something just told me she looked like Cinder, but if it were true that would be a huge accusation, I don't even have evidence to prove such a thing, I mean for the most part her and team haven't done anything that could cause trouble, but then again where was she last night? I only saw Emerald and Mercury at the dance not her.

Ruby: "Are you okay? Your not mad are you?" Ruby asked who was beside me in the elevator, she basically pushed all the buttons on the elevator so the it had to keep stopping as we went up.

(Y/n): "Nah I just have a bunch to think of." I said with my thinking face on.

Ruby: "Your not worried that we're in trouble are you?" She asked.

(Y/n): "Heh, no, it's nothing important honestly don't worry Rose pedal." I said giving her a smile.

Ruby: "Okay...but I'm here if you want to talk." She said grabbing my hand.

(Y/n): "Yes Ma'am." I said as we finally made it to Ozpin's office.

Ruby: "Ah! Sorry it took so long (Y/n) here thought it'd be funny to push all the buttons on the elevator." She said smirking at me, you sly little devil!

Ozpin: "Anyways thank you for coming you two, how are you feeling?" He asked as i saw Professor Goodwitch and General Ironwood also here.

(Y/n): "Peachy." I said as I crossed my arms and faced away from Ruby who was trying to poke my cheek.

Ruby: "Okay I guess, I'd feel better If Lightning Rose's bad-guy-catching score wasn't 0 for 3." She said chuckling as they stared at her, the tone in the room was quite the serious one.

Ruby: "Okay that's the tone we're going for, got it.." She said scooting closer to me.

Ironwood: "(Y/n), Ruby, I feel it's appropriate to let both of you know that what you two did last night, was exactly what being a Huntsmen and Huntress is all about, you recognized a threat, took action, and did the best you two could." He said putting one hand on my shoulder and the other on Ruby's.

Ruby: "Thank you sir." Ruby said.

(Y/n): "No need to Praise us too much sir." I said trying to sound funny.

Ironwood: "I disagree." He said smiling at me.

Ozpin: "Now, the general here has already informed us of the events, that transpired last night, and now that you two are well rested, we were wondering if you two have anything to add." He said.

Goodwitch: "Was anyone with her? Did she look familiar to any of at all?" She asked as I started thinking to myself, I could say she looked like Cinder...but I could be wrong..i don't want to mix her into this if she's innocent.

(Y/n): "No, she didn't look like anyone I know." I said looking down.

Ruby: "Me neither, she was wearing a mask, and she never said anything to us, but I know she fought with glass, and I'm also sure that wasn't her Semblance though, her clothes lit up everytime she attacked. " She said.

Goodwitch: "Save for the glass, that sounds like the women that I fought when I met (Y/n) and Ruby." She said.

Ironwood: "Embedding dust into clothing is an age-old technique, it could have been anyone." He pointed out.

Ruby: "Wait you think this lady is connected to the White Fang and Torchwick?" She asked as I looked at her confused.

Ozpin: "Its possiable, but we all lack the evidence to link the two together." He said as Ironwood gave him a mild glare.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol.2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن