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Jade's pov:

"Jade!" Beck yelled Down the halls of Hollywood arts.

"Jade!" He yelled again. I didn't stop. I kept walking.

"Jade would you stop! I need to talk to you!" He shouted at me.

I sighed deeply and walked down another hallway.

"Jade fucking West! Stop walking away and talk to me! Stop acting like a bitch!" He yelled.

I suddenly stopped in my tracks. He never shouts at me or calls me a bitch....

"What?" I asked sharply as I turned around to face him.

"Why did you have to pour coffee on her head?" He snapped.

"Why do you care so much?" I asked.

"Because it was her first day! How would you like it if that was you on your first day?" He growled.

I remember my first day of middle school. I got a full trash can dumped on my head when I was sat in the girls restroom. I didn't like it. I had no fiends and I liked to spend my lunch in the restroom stalls. Ever since then I skipped school as much as possible and I always pretend to be ill. That was before I moved to Hollywood arts.

But that's was trash that went all over me! Not coffee! She wouldn't have to walk around stinking like shit for the whole day!

"So? Why are your defending her? She was the one who was flirting with you!" I shouted. "Oh wait. My bad. Maybe you like her too. Well I don't care you can have her!" I spun on my heels and walked away.

I arrived at my locker and unlocked the scissor covered door. I grabbed my coat and my art book.

I stuffed my art book into my school bag and I quickly put my coat on. I slammed my locker door shut and stormed out the door.

Lane was sat on a bench with a student. He looked up from his paperwork and sighed.

"Jade where do you think your going?" He asked as he stood up and walked after me.

"Anywhere but here." I growl.

"You have to stay in school unless your sick. You know this." He said.

I spun around and fake coughed twice. "There you go! Im sick!" I angrily said as I stormed out of the parking lot.

I walked down The busy streets of Los Angeles. I decided to take the short cut to my house. Through the park.

As I was walking through the park a little girl with ginger hair ran up to me.

"Excuse me. Can you get my teddy down please?" The girl asked as she pointed to the teddy in the tall fence.

I sighed and grabbed her teddy down and passed it to her.

"Thank you." She smiled as she ran off to play.

I carried on walking and after a new minuets I arrived home.

My fathers car was parked on the driveway. Well now I'm going to get beat for skipping school.

I sighed and opened the door.

"What are you doing home? It's only 11AM!" He snapped at me.

"Reasons." I sighed as I started walking up the stairs.

But before I Could climb another step, I felt a sharp pain shoot through the back of my head.

And everything went black


I woke up an hour later. I was laying on the floor, a sharp sting ran down the back oh my head. I winced as I touched it slightly.

I pulled my hand away and it was lightly coated with blood.

I forced myself to stand up and climb the stairs. My father had left so I have the house to myself.

I walked into my bathroom and took a shower.

After my shower I dried my hair, and locked my bedroom door, I climbed into bed and fell asleep

End of flashback:

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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