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Jades pov:

"HEY JADEY!" Cat squealed.

"Cat don't shout." I winced.

"Sorry." She giggled.

"So how's the new place your staying in." Tori asked

"My claustrophobia is kicking in." I said sarcastically.

"Oh jade. Just because your live in one of the biggest houses in L.A." Cat giggled as she picked up a red velvet cupcake with white icing and sprinkles. "Look guys I've got cupcakes!"

CoolBeck wants to join the chat......

"Aye, Beck wants to join!" Andre said.

"Where did you come from?" I asked.

"Oh I was already on the chat and I went to get a drink, but I'm back now." Andre explained.

"Oh okay." I said.

"I'm quickly gonna accept beck into the video chat." Tori said fiddling around on her laptop.

I groaned out and turned out the light in my room so beck could not see me.

"Hey guys." Beck said as he joined the video chat.

"Hey man." Andre said.

"How are all of you doing?" Beck asked.

"We're all okay." Tori smiled.
Ugh if I'm going to sit here and watch her flirt with beck, think again.

"So were all here." Cat said as she picked up a stuffed animal.

"No Robbie's not here yet." I said.

"Oh yeh." Tori said. "He's online let me invite him."

Misternoodlepants joined the chat.

"Sorry I'm late guys, me and Rex was having an argument." Robbie said.

"What about?" Andre asked.

"Long story. Don't worry." He said.

"No tell us." I said.

"Do I have to?" He sighed.

"Yes!" I demanded.

"Fine. Me and Rex was arguing about the new underwear I just brought." He admitted.

"Now I wish I didn't ask." I said.

"Ahaha." Andre laughed.

"So What was the point in video chatting?" Beck finally asked.

"To talk silly!" Cat smiled.

"So how's the break up going on? How are you dealing with it jade? Hmm?" Rex said.

"REX!" Robbie yelled.

"The break up was probably the best decision I've made in a long time." Beck admitted hoping to hurt my feelings.

"Beck that's so mean." Tori gasped.

"But it's the truth, Jade's always dragged me down. Since the break up I've had weights lifted off my shoulders. I don't have to pretend that I love her anymore. And the way jade acts I'm surprised she even has friends. She's a bitch, she doesn't deserve anyone." He said.

"Beck stop being an asshole!" Cat growled.

"Wait did cat just swear? She never swears." Tori said in shock.

"I can't believe you would say that! Jade is a wonderful person, anyone can see that." Robbie said.

"Not cool man." Andre said.
"Snow White you Okay?" He asked.

I took a shaky breath that only I could hear, trying to keep my tears in. I didn't respond, if he really wants to know he would text me.

I press end on the video chat, and as soon as I've disconnected from the call, I began to cry.

I thought he loved me. I really did. I did everything to make him happy, he pretended that he loved me. It was a one sided love. And that I was a problem in his life.

My phone started playing my ring tone. I glanced at my phone, Andre was calling. I ignored it and let it ring out.

Suddenly a tiny knock came from the door, and Jackson entered.

"J-Jadey what's wrong? I h-heard you crying." He said as he closed the door and climbed onto my bed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I-Is your love for me real? Or fake?" I stuttered.

"I love you Jadey. I really do. Your the best big sister anyone could ever wish for." He said. "I'm getting mom." He said as he ran out my room.

I brought my knees up to my chest, placing my head on my knees, and bawled my eyes out.

"Jade what's wrong?" My mother said as she entered my room with Jackson following behind her.

"I-i was on a video chat with my friends and beck joined. And he started saying how the break up was the best thing he did in his life, that he doesn't regret it and I was dragging him down. And that he never loved me. And that I don't deserve anyone in my life.
Am I really that unlovable?" I cry.

"Oh baby. He's an idiot to believe that. He's the one losing out. And your not unlovable. We all love you very much. And your friends do." My mother said hugging me.

Tori's pov:

"Beck what the hell was that about? Do you realise what you just done? I would never have thought you would have don't something like that." I yelled as jade left the chat.

"That was a dick move man." Rex said.

"Rex I would stay out if it if I was you, you caused this." Robbie said.

"Why would you be so mean to Jade?" Cat asked as tears flowed Down her face.

"I'm going to call her and see if she's okay." Andre said as he grabbed his pear phone.

Beck sighed. "I got angry before I joined that chat and I just took it all out on her. She didn't deserve any of that. And I'm sorry." Beck sighed.

"We're not the ones you should be saying sorry to." I said.

"She's not picking up. I've left her a few text messages, and a voicemail. You've got a lot of making up to do beck." Andre said.

Ive made beck look like an ass in this chapter. But his reasons will be shown in the next chapter.
I'm sorry I didn't update for 6 days. I've been staying at my grandparents house and had to help them, and I was also at a sleepover. Sorry for any errors.

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