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Jade's POV:

Me and beck are in his car, driving to Vaga's house. I don't know about beck but I'm starving! I haven't ate all day. I listen to my belly growl a few times before I open my mouth.

"Beck?" I Moan holding my belly.

"Yes babe?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.

"Um hungry." I say with a groan after. "Can we get food?" I beg.

"We're going to Tori's, I'm sure she will give you something babe." He says.

"But I have VAGA! I don't want her trashy food! She will give me food poisoning." I complained. "Can't we stop somewhere and get a takeaway?" I asked, thinking about a burger. I love burgers. Well as long as there not dripping in fat, because I'm healthy.

"Babe we can't, you know we have to get our assignment into sikowits by tomorrow." Beck says trying to make me eat the vaga food. Well it's not going to happen.

"Okay il starve to death then." I say with an attitude, it's not my fault that in this grouchy today.

I've started my period for this month. And I've been grouchy all day. To go with that problem, i haven't ate, and when a girl doesn't get any food, Well that's a whole new story. Ugh I'm getting pissed easily.

Beck said nothing, he just sighed rather loud.

We arrived at vaga's and I jumped out off beck's car. And walked to vagas front door. I left beck behind as he's grabbing the camera and other stuff from his car.

When I'm a few doors away from Tori's house, this creepy old guy walked out his door and gave me the most creepiest smile I've ever seen.

"Hello female. You're ever so pretty, so you want to come inside to have a cup of tea?" The man said.

"Ugh fuck off already." I say raising my voice. That did the job because he quickly closed his front door. God some people these days!

Once I'm stood in front of Tori's door, I bang loudly 4 times until she opened the door.

"Hey jade! Where's beck?" Vaga asked. Wee whys she always over him? Umm hello he's mine!?

"Vaga. He's getting the stuff." I say and did down by cat's side at the kitchen side.

"Heya jadey!" She said hugging my side.

"Don't call me that!" I say annoyed

Cat nods in agreement, although we both know she will forget about it in a second.


Tori walked over to the door and opened it.

"Oh hey beck come on in." Tori said stepping out of the way so MY boyfriend can come in.

"Thanks." He said dropping all the stuff on the sofa. And walked to my side and kissed my on my head.

Tori closed the door, and joined everyone else at the kitchen table.

"So have we got everything? Is everyone okay?" Tori asked.

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