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Beck's POV:

The morning light woke me up from my beloved slumber. I look next to me, in hopes of finding the most beautiful girl in the world fast asleep. But she's not there, she never will be there again. She never came to collect her thing. maybe she would do it today.

I got out of bed, had a shower and ate breakfast. I was scrolling down on the slap when I came across jade's profile. Her status said 'single'. Well obviously she's trying to move on.

Last night when I visited her to collect my keys, what I saw broke my heart into a thousand pieces. She was bawling her eyes out, and Jade West doesn't cry at all! But she was over me. That just proved how much she loved me. And I hardly showed Hey my love to her.  God I was an awful boyfriend.

Jade's POV:

I walked down the stairs, my hair in a mess, my cloths all sloppy and my make up in a mess.

"Dear god! Someone call the exterminator! Tell him wive got an ugly monster situation." My father said, with a smirk.

"Hah hah!" I said sarcastically walking into the kitchen, grabbing a slice of toast.

"Where's mom?" I ask.

"She's gone out, with a couple of her friends." He says.

"Ugh What?! Again?" I groan.

"Just leave me alone. Go upstairs into your room, or go play smushy your face with that boyfriend of yours." My father said.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I growl.

"Oh yes I can young lady! And you don't talk to me that way!" He said standing up from his chair, walking over to me.

" I will talk to you however I want."

Suddenly I was met with a large hand slap me across my face which sent me tumbling to the floor.

"I am your father! You will not speak to me like that!" He growled as he kicked me in the stomach.

He grabbed me by my hair, dragging me up onto my feet.

"I-I'm s-sorry." I stammered.

"You bloody better be!" He yelled as he slammed me into the kitchen wall. Pain shot down my back as I tried to keep myself from falling. My father punched me in the eye before leaving me alone on the floor crying like a baby.

"I'm going to the pub." He barked
As he walked out the house.

Once I was sure he was gone I shakily stood up.

"The sooner you find a house to live in the better." I muttered to myself. "Seriously how long does it take to find a house after a Divorce."

I dragged myself up the stairs and into my bedroom. I locked the door behind me in case he came back for round two.

I look at myself in my mirror. I look awful. I have bruises on my stomach and a big black bruise on my eye And scratches down my back.

I decide to take a shower and make myself presentable for when my mom and little brother gets home.

New update! I've had a few requests for a new update and I started to update this book. I didn't realise it has been pretty much a year since the last update! I'm sooooo sorry guys! I will continue to update from now on. And you can check out my other story's while I'm updating if you want. Again I'm so sorry xxx

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