Chapter seven (✔️)

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Recap: Ragini told Laksh about the situation. Why she stood with Nikhil. Laksh made up his mind to bring Nikhil behind the bars.

Laksh was holding Ragini protectively in his embrace. Both were sleeping on the bed cuddling into their peaceful sleep.

Laksh woke up by the sound of the unlocking door. He startled as he found himself somewhere else. Then he saw his Ragini next to him plunging her hair strands behind her ear. Baacha.... He smiles looking at her and kisses her forehead. Just then he hides on the right time as the door to her room opens.

Nikhil came in and Laksh was fuming seeing him. Bastard I will kill you. If you touch my wife wrongly. Laksh was hiding behind the cupboard not inside it. He was staring at Nikhil continuously keeping an eye on him. Ragini was dreaming of Laksh.

She was happy and moving from one side to the other. She starts to murmur, "Laksh...?!" She again smiles and this time she turned to Nikhil.

Nikhil glares at her, "What did you said, Laksh? I will kill him then only you will be mine. I will make you feel the pain of losing your love. Once you have rejected mine now I will kill yours." He threaten Ragini.

Laksh was listing to his threats. But he wasn't scared of them. Bastard. Nikhil I won't leave you. You are scaring my poor wife. She is too innocent and falls for your cheap tricks to defeat me you have to come with something better! I won't let you come closer to her neither me. Now I know you, I know your intentions and I will finish you.

Nikhil woke Ragini, "Get up baby! Ragini Get up!" He was shaking her and she pouts, "No Laksh, not yet!" She said in her sleepy tone, which makes Laksh smile as she still feels him close to her.

At the other side Nikhil was fuming in anger; "What the hell! I'm Nikhil not Laksh!" He shouts at her and she frighten and opens her eyes in a jerk.

"N...n..Nikhil?" She stammers and shakes all over her body. She wasn't sure where Laksh was and was afraid of the result if Nikhil finds out of him.

"Ragini you are mine. There is no Laksh!" He hold her tight and Laksh was fuming. I will not leave you. Each time you scare her, hurt her and make her cry you will go through the double of it. Laksh made a fist in anger, he had to control his anger. He felt helpless tears were escaping his eyes. He turns his face. I have to be strong for my Baacha. Just a little bit. I will get him down.

Nikhil left the room and Ragini was breathing uncontrolled. Just then Laksh comes and hugs her. Her uncontrolled heartbeat normalised feeling him, "Baacha I'm here you don't worry. I will not leave him, trust me." He whispers and kisses her forehead. Ragini hugs him, "Laksh? You are still here. Go." Laksh shook his head, "No, you have to listen to me, only then we will get rid off him, "He tried to explain her and she nodded to him.

Laksh had left the house the way he came in through the window.

Ragini clears her mind and comes out with Laksh thoughts only. She still feels him besides him. This man is everything I have I can't lose him again. I don't want to lose him again. I will do whatever is necessary to get Nikhil out of our life's.

Nikhil made her cook the breakfast. She didn't utter a word and starts to do it. Just thinking of Laksh. I hope he reached home and will talk to the other's. We have to find a way to stop him.

Laksh had reached home and all were looking at him.

DP stood up in anger, "Laksh where were you the whole night! You know your mother was scared she couldn't sleep the night!"

Laksh lowered his head. He went to her and hugs her tight, "I'm sorry Maa, but I had the peace filled night after 6 painful months. Maa she is my Ragini! She is in a plight. I have to get her out of his clutches!".

AP hugs him with tears in her eyes, "Laksh, she is our Ragini!" Laksh looked at her and nods, "Haan she is!" He took out his mobile phone and made a small video of her.

She was crying in the video, "Maa I'm sorry! But I was helpless

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She was crying in the video, "Maa I'm sorry! But I was helpless. I want to come back, but I can't it's not that easy. I hope you all can forgive me. I know I have hurt you all, but it wasn't my intentions I got into his trap. He threatened to kill Laksh. I couldn't let that happen! Maa I'm sorry! Swara I'm your Ragini... SwaRagini!". She cries...singing it.

Laksh ended the video, "He wants to kill a woman to prove Ragini death. We have to prevent this: He is going to kill an innocent woman to get my Ragini. But she is mine I won't let him!" He was fuming in anger.

There someone come very surprisingly, "Devar Ji, I have a plan." They all looked at Pari with confusion and hate.

How can they trust her?

Should they trust her?

They haven't heard her idea, yet Laksh has said that Ragini is alive in her present.


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