Chapter 18

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Startled with the sound of the door opening I open my eyes, cold water I'm laying in chilling me. "Starr"Lucien says leaning over and grabbing my arm smiling slightly and giving me the most "What are you doing?"face ever

I smile slightly his face amusing me and making me laugh slightly. "Starr I'm sorry"he whispers as I stand up, getting out of the tub I push past him spilling water all over the tile floor.

"Don't ignore me"he grunts as I flick the warm shower on, a chill on my bones as the cold clothing cling to me like glue.

Being alone is when you can think and I though if what I wanted, something I have always wanted.

"Lucien?"I whisper back turned from him I smile evilly. "Yes"he says standing still and I turn to face him.

"I would never cheat on you"I smile and he nods grabbing the sides of my face. "I know I just got so mad seeing another man touching you. Touching what's mine"he growled and I felt something in me I haven't felt in a long time.

A need , Lust.

"I want you to know something"I smile nervously walking out of his grip as he stands confused the room filling up with cloudy steam.

"The last person to fuck me he broke me in so many ways. The sex we had I never really wanted, but I did it because I though I was so in love"I said grabbing the door and locking it his eyes shooting up to mine.

I could tell he was slightly angered by the things I was telling him but I was glad for it.
"But I wasn't in love. It wasn't love it was all about dominance for him"I said , his hands grabbing my forearms

"Starr what..."he says as I walked back up to his side.

"When I ran from him I felt broke. From what he did. Not from leaving him. But with you? I would be scared as hell to leave you. Probably impossible for me to do"

"I had a thought. I trust you with everything I have, and I want you to trust me. I want you to know that I don't want anyone else ever. And I'm ready to show you just how much you mean to me..."

I smile , my clothes falling to a heap on the ground. "Fuck Starr, no."he says his hands now behind his back no doubt in fists.

"You might regret it and I don't want to hurt you"he frowns keeping his eyes on mine never staying from them.

"Lucien , I didn't love Thomas. But I do love you...."I whisper grabbing his hand and he looks at me, his eyes holding a million different emotions.

"What?"he whispers as I hug him softly. These words I didn't just mutter, and our sort of "fight" made me see just how much I need him.

Just how much I love him. I wouldn't survive without him. "You don't have to say it back. I just ...I love you and I'm ready and I trust you."

"There is no going back starr"he whispers, his hands moving down my bare back slowly. "Well I don't have a need to go back so we might as well stay forward"

Lucien hands quickly picking me up, a laugh on my lips as he sets me in the counter. His clothes flying off faster then wind. "To the shower captain"I smile and he laughs walking us both over.

And what happened next could be described with many words.

Amazing, euphoria,sex , passion, trust.

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