Chapter 2

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Lucien POV

I never come down to this part of the city it's revolting and old, why in God's name would anyone ever want to even live down here?

The sound of the booming engine in my car made me smile , making my remember what my place in this world was. My car skidded to a stop at a restaurant that I own, quiet frankly I don't know the name of it and I don't want to.

"I'll be back"i scowled to my men slamming the car door and storming inside.

"Hello sir table for one?"a waitress asks and I look at her as she's inane "as if I'd eat at this nasty place , tell your boss it's Lucian" I yelled at her and she jumped before scurrying away with her tails shoved up her ass.

The windows were all wide open letting the breeze inside and the words of my men softly hit me I couldn't quiet pick up what they uttered but they said something about flowers and then laughed.

There chuckles were cut off shorty after and there was silence almost as if they were stunned by someone or something

"Lucian... hello" an old man said and I looked in his direction. Old age had definitely gotten to him, maybe in his late 50s at least.

"I'm here to see how well this little business I'm paying for is going"I said to him, my annoyance in the place growing by the second, oh there's another bit of it right there.

"It... well she's, doing well... there isn't as many costumers as hoped... but we do have a regular and she's..." he starts but I cut him off "I don't care about who the hell she is"

He opened his mouth as if he was trying to say something but shut it quickly

"If I'm not getting my money then your not getting your restaurant. I'll be back in a week, if you don't come up with 15 000 your done"I turn away from him,checking my watch before opening the door and walking out.

I roll my eyes at his quivering that could be heard from outside , but I get distracted by the laughter of a child across the street.

A woman dressed in a white tank top and jeans slides a flower inside the hair of a little child in front of her. The kid then shortly running off into the distance while who seams to be the mother runs after her.

The girl in the tank top smiled before watering her little garden outside what is most likely her flower shop.

The real question is why is there a store there and why don't I own it.

I glare at the woman who runs to the side of the building through water to turn of the hose, her clothes getting soaked as her laugh hits my ears making me want to hear it again

"Who the hell is that" one of my men drooled over her and I noticed a bunch of my men watching her as her black lace bra could slightly be seen through her wet clothes.

Then her attention snaps to us looking not affected by us creepily watching her , until her eyes meet mine and she stops everything she's doing.

Her eyes holding fear and memories. The hazel colour that seems to be laced in green matched with her brown hair, and the freckles in her nose made her look so innocent.

But she brushes it all alway

Shoving all those memories down deep, showing us a smile that was half forced before continuing with her work. Her Dirty hands rubbing against her jeans as she just ignore us completely ignore me.

Who the fuck was that and who the fuck does she think Is?

I stepped inside my car, images of the fear in her eyes toyed with my mind. The fear that she held wasn't like the normal fear I've seen, it was almost like a fear that she was accustomed to , a fear that was burned into her mind. Like she saw something or someone who had haunted her past.

Like a shield of hers that someone took then replaced with flimsy cracked glass.

Starr POV

I open the door to my loft, the emptiness comforting and welcoming me inside. Some people don't like being alone, or being someplace silent but me?

I like just sitting around and reading some Cliché romance novel about a gang leader and a poor beaten girl, or maybe binge watch a series on Netflix.

No one knows you, like you.

I set my keys onto the counter the keys making a clanking sound as it hits the surface. I sigh knowing that Abigale is most likely out by herself mourning someone.

She always talks about a grandson who won't come with her and I feel bad. I honestly do because she is a sweet old lady who's love was taken away almost as if it were a cruel ending to a book.

A beautiful romance filled with struggles, hardships and over coming the past and the present.

the two peoples bond become stronger and stronger until the like become a love and desire starts to burn hotter then ever.

But as fate would take it , one of the lovers would meet a unfair demise leaving the other lost and confused at the question

"What do I have left without you?"

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