Chapter 16

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The Wednesday evening light shine into his windows and down at where I was sitting at the table. Re-reading a romance book, wondering as to how my life has become so similar to it.

A knight (a man) saving a princess
(a woman)from a tower (from her past)
All while the knight (the man) has his own dragons and the princess (the woman) saves him from his past too.

I set my book down, the gang fights and the kid mapping of the princess would scare me when I read book like this in grade school.

But now? I wasn't afraid, not of that anyways.

I closed my eyes wondering just as to why my life went from foster homes and beating to flowers and boyfriends? I mean to I deserve all the good I'm getting when people I see everyday are in so much bad?

But I guess it's never really been about deserve .

You would think after a few years of being able to hide from him in the same city, that I wouldn't not be scared of Thomas anymore

Pretty ballsy to stay in one place but he had ruined everything for me , he wasn't gonna mess up my whole life. I knew he expected me to run to Hollywood that's where I've always wanted to go. But he can shove his thoughts up his ass.

I took a sharp breath still wondering if maybe just maybe when I shut him that one night that I'd kill him. That he had bleed out and died.

But deep down I knew he was alive, I knew I didn't kill him. I knew he was looking for me , he won't ever stop he made that clear. But I won't ever stop fighting against him.

He has no right to come into my life now and hurt the one person I care about, no choice in who I get to be friends with, or what I can wear.

Men like that, people like Thomas need to be out of my life. If I wanted a dictator I would look to politics, not the person I thought I want to spend my life with.

"You have been staring at a wall for 7 minuets"a voice shook me back from my though , reality not something I'm often fond of. "Lucien, have you been....watching me?"I asked as he leaned a fast the counter, a suit dressing his body.

"Not staring admiring"he said skillfully , but my cheeks went red with embarrassments. "I told you , your a pedophile"I scoff, standing up my long oversized shirt going down to my mid thighs

"Oh right your secretly what 8?"he asked kissing my cheek, while grabbing my back. I
Smile up at him, his perfect little face fun to stare at.

"Yah but I don't got the body like one"I said slapping my ass looking like a dork making him laugh mad I smile "you sure don't, your body is a least 16!"he smiles and I can't help but smile too , feeling better at how my self confidence has grown just a little.

"Oh how you flatter! 16, i don't think so , my little diabolo"I smile wrapping my hands around my neck as he dips me.

He licks his lip and smiles down at me "What?"I laugh looking up at him.

He shakes his head before sitting me on the counter "I like that name you called me". I close my eyes , and open them again. I squish his face together with my hands

"Diabolo?"he nods and I laugh , and he smiles at my laugh "What does it mean?"he asks, tucking a strand of hair away from his face.

"It means devil"

He looks at me, processing the name and what it meant "Lucien you are my little Diabolo". He closed his eyes and leant his chin on the top of my head.


He lifts his head slowly and I sweetly smile at him before stretching across the counter to grab my phone. He chuckles , but jokes on him I manage to get it into my grasps.

The plain white case soothing and it fit perfectly in my hands.

Text from Lillian I'm sorry about 3 nights ago, Are you ok? Is your....guy friend okay?

S-It's okay, and yah I'm fine. Me and my boys are fine."

I chuckle at the word and Lucien looks at me as I hide the screen from his view, I lean back on the open counter top my legs wrapped around his waist.

"Who are you texting?"he asks trying to grab the phone from my hand right as Lillian text back.

L-He's super hot, just be... careful ok?

S-he's a good man, I will be fine

"Starr who are you texting"he asks sliding a hand up my thigh. I bit my lip but I don't answer, is it bad that I want to see where this goes? Is that wrong of me?

L-well if your happy then I'm happy for you. Have you guys...done IT yet 😜

Her words made me think of something, was I ready? Could I even think about doing that with him, after what happened? Should I let my past stop me from expressing myself to the man I deeply care about?

My answer was both for her question and mine.

"Starr"he asks kissing my stomach and I sigh, closing my eyes thinking of the most devious way to answer him. "I'm..."I start but he goes to grab my phone so I smile and push myself further into the table my arm going behind me.

"You really should tell me, if you don't know by now I get really jealous."he whispers and I smile at him, his palm resting on my thigh.
"And this is not the place where You would want me to punish you, trust me."he whispers into the crook of my neck.

"Lillian"I whisper and he looks up at me "I was just texting Lillian she was apologizing for the other night"I smile , legs still wrapped around him as he brings us both up.

He doesn't speak for a second, looking at me biting eyes staring into my burning soul.

"You know you never answered one of my questions"he smiled at me and I tilted my head asking what question I failed to answer

"And which question was that?"

He smiles evilly before saying "you never told me if you prefer acting in porno's or watching them"

I open my mouth and laugh flicking him on the forehead as he laughs at me as well. "Asshole"I mutter his head resting my my shoulder as he laughs uncontrollably.

This laugh was the most real laugh I have ever heard from him and it made me like his so much more of that was even possible.

2 and a half weeks and I'm already falling for this man.

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