Chapter 6

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That night I thought about Beau. I couldn't stop thinking about his purple eyes and his gorgeous hair. My cell phone was buzzing on my bedside table and without even looking at who was calling I answered it. 


"Hi it's Beau," He sounded a bit nervous or maybe it was anxious I couldn't tell over the phone. 

"Oh hey Beau, what's up?" I asked. 

"I was just wondering if you were still alive seeing as you haven't been at school for the past couple of days," He said in a low voice. Was he trying to be sexy and seductive? I tried holding in a laugh. 

"I'm alive, I moved schools. I'm in London now-" 

"London? But your brother still goes here, I don't understand," He said. 

"It's umm... complicated." 

"I just don't understand why you left..." He sounded upset about it. 

"Look Beau, you're a nice guy and I appreciate you saving my life and all but I don't think you should be intruding on my personal life this far. I don't know you," I said. 

"That's why I called I wanted to get to know you better but I guess now I can't since you moved to the 'big city'. Have a nice life," He hung up on me. 

Way to go May upset the only boy who ever liked you. Since I didn't feel like talking to anyone anymore I began planning the best way to sneak out of the house. I decided that since this house was only a bungalow that my first floor bedroom window would definitley suffice. I closed my bedroom door and took the removable screen off my window. I took a deep breath grabbed my favourite hoodie and jumped out the window. I instanlty regretted my decision of not looking before I leaped, I held in a scream of shock as I landed in a rosebush. Of course this would happen to me I thought as I limped over to the porch steps. I began pulling thorns out of my leg. It was painful. 

"ouch," I whispered as I watched the line of blood began sliding down my leg. 

I took this a sign that I should not go for a walk tonight. Instead I sat on the porch hoping I would bleed half to death as punishment for my stupidity. When the pain had numbed I walked back to my window, carfully avoided the rose bush and heaved myself through the window. I made sure to land as silently as possible on my wood floor. I slid off my toms and chucked them into my closet before replacing my screen. I pulled my gray hoodie over my head and let it land on the floor, I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a clean pair of pyjamas and put them on. 

"May?" Grace called from down the hallway. 

When I didn't answer she knocked on the door. 

"Come in," I said. 

"Jake's on the phone he wants to talk to you," She held the land line in my direction. 

After an internal debate on whether or not I wanted to speak to Jacob I grabbed the phone. I listened to Jacob breathing on the other end of the line obviously waiting for me to pick up. 

"Hi Jacob," I said trying to sound normal instead of upset. 

"Hi I just wanted to make sure you were okay after you know..." He sounded upset. 

"I'm fine, how about you? You sound upset." 

"I ran away," The silence hung in the air between us so much it felt like it was suffocating me. 

My head began to swim. Jake was a run away now. I couldn't process it. I finally felt like I had to break the silence, he was waiting for my response. 


I listened to his continuos breaths, they were the only thing keeping me tethered to the world. I didn't notice it but I'd begun to cry. He could be killed or kidnapped. I may never get to see my twin again and even though I knew what he said the last day I saw him was partially true I couldn't bare to live knowing he was dead. 

"I had to May, life at home was terrible. Mom and Dad still don't make time for me. The triplet's have consumed their lives. I read their minds I am so far back on their priority list and Dad wanted me to leave." 

His breathing got heavier and I was pretty sure he was holding back a sob. Jake and I were used to being unwanted, every middle child is but even with Grace and I gone he was still deemed unimportant in our parents lives. 

"Jake, please go home," I begged. 

"No..." He whispered. 

"I know life is bad at home but I need you to stay safe. At least wait until you go through the change maybe I can ask Grace if you can come out to London and stay with us. I don't want you to be alone, lost, terrified, hungry and in pain I can't live without you Jake... please," I sobbed. 

Then the line went dead. Panic spread through me like wildfire.

"GRACE!" I shouted. 

I curled up into a ball onto the floor. I was going into shock and greif. Grace came in and saw me on the floor in tears. She sat down next to me and started rubbing my back trying to calm me down. 

"What happened?" She tried to ask calmly but I could hear the fear heighting in her words. 

I sniffled. 

"Jake... he... ran away," I continued sobbing. 

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