Chapter 2

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While they were all busy gaping at the fact he said anything, I ran back down the stairs there was no way I was sticking around to have them kill me. After I was one block away from school I slowed down. I stopped by the park near my home, sat down at a park bench and just let my senses go wild. I could sense every animal, hear every heartbeat, every wing flap. The wind gently blowing through my hair. I heard someone approach me, I snapped back to my reality. The boy who spoke up out of the tormentors sat down beside me.

“Did you come to finish me off?” I asked.

“Finish you off? No, in case you didn't notice I stood up for you.” He said.

“Thanks...” I awkwardly mumbled.

My people skills didn't go much farther than this.

“Why do they want to 'finish you off'?” He asked.

I looked at him, he looked genuinely curious. Does everyone learn something new at the age of sixteen? How cliche.

“To be honest, I have no idea.”

He nodded and we sat in silence. I focused on his thoughts, they were similar to mine.

“What's your name?” I asked him.

I could have found out on my own but I thought that would be rude.

“Beau, what's yours?”

“May... your name suits you”

“Thanks? Why do you say that?”

“Unique eye colour, unique name.” I answered simply.

We sat in silence for a little longer.

“Why did you stick up for me?” I asked.

“Oh... well something in me is telling me to stay away from you but I hate seeing people destroyed inside out.”

“Thanks again but maybe I should leave if your instincts are telling you to stay away from me.” I said.

I got up to leave but he grabbed my hand. I could feel fear seeping into my skin, nobody ever touched me.

“Wait! Before you go...”

He turned my palm around and grabbed a marker out of his bag. He started writing down some numbers, oh a phone number. I offered him mine and he gave me his marker. As I was walking away I smiled down at my arm. My parents would definitely not approve though so I rolled down the sleeves on my cardigan.

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