Chapter 5

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Grace gave me a ride to my first day of school. I was a bit nervous I kept fiddling with my tie. 

"Are you nervous grouchy pants?" She joked. 

"A little, do you think Vampire hunters will go to my school?" 

"I don't know. Just try not to freak anyone out today, okay?" 

My sister can be very reassuring.

"You have to come in with me right to get my schedule and have a little sit down with the principal right?" 

At least that's what I'd seen in the movies. 

"Oh yeah sure, no problem." 

The rest of the ride to school was in silence. Since the ride was at least twenty minutes long had time to do a little snooping in Grace's brain since conveniently it was open for my entertainment. You can learn a lot about a person by reading their mind. 

I learned that she was nervous for me on my first day and that she liked the colour of the nail polish I was wearing today. That was always nice to know. She can thank OPI for their wonderful nail pots. 

She missed Jacob, our darling brother and too be honest I hadn't thought about Jake much in these past few days because of how rude he was to me the day I left. I was kinda glad I never really had to see him again. It was like having him dead but I know he's still in good health in case I changed my mind about wanting him dead. I know, a complex thought to process but if you had as many siblings as I do you would understand a hell of a lot better. 

I moved deeper into her mind toward her ambitions, goals and dreams. We've only been here a day and my sister had met someone. I had to admit he was pretty cute and a vampire. How do you swing that one and expect me not to notice. I had to focus to find his name, she'd tried burying it deeper into her mind but I still found it. Jason Mitchell. I jumped in my seat. I had seen something I had ultimately not wanted to see. 

"May, are you okay?" 

"Oh yeah. I'm fine just a twitch." 

When I thought my thoughts were private again I focused back on Jason Mitchell. So I had seen correctly. Jason's father had passed away and I had seen his ghost. Ghost's are just a person but more translucent. They glow a colour sometimes depending on type of death or how happy you were when you died. Jason's father glowed a dark red. I wanted to investigate more but at that moment we had pulled up to my new school. It looked amazing. The grass was cut and it was so green! The school looked so rich in architectural history it could've belonged in London. It was made of stone with steps leading up to the large entrance doors. 

"Wow," I gaped. 

Grace and I got out of the car I slung my bag over my shoulders and hurried to join her. Everyone was wearing a uniform similar to mine. A black sweater with a white blouse underneath. A green, navy blue and white plaid skirt (boys wore beige pants or shorts), white tights and black shoes. I walked along beside my sister. People stared at me but not because they saw me as some freak who told you what you were thinking when they were in kindergarten because she didn't know any better. No, they thought that Grace was my mother and that I was a fatherless teen mom episode that had gone on for sixteen years. I laughed to myself. Grace smacked me on the back of the head.  We walked into the school and were directed to the headmaster's office. 

"Hello Miss Belle we've been expecting you" He said. 

"Oh, why thank you Sir," I said trying not to laugh. 

"You can call me Mister Graham," 

"Yes Mr. Graham." 

He looked over my school records and we talked a bit about school rules and how we address our peers and teachers. It was all very boring, a more advanced and fancy version of the speech teachers give us every year. Finally Grace and I were dismissed and I was going to the last half of my English class. When Headmaster Graham stopped me. 

"Miss Belle be forewarned the students here don't deal well with abnormalities." 

"Are you calling me abnormal Headmaster?" 

"No Miss Belle just a friendly word of advice," he said smiling cheerfully. 

That was probably the weirdest thing that happened to me that day. I had a lot of time to sit and think while I was in Mr. Graham's office and yet it never occured to me to read his mind. Now that I'm out of his office though there are just some things you're better off not knowing. I found my way to English just fine, the Headmaster was nice enough to provide me with a map. I looked at the door took a deep breath and knocked. My new English teacher came to the door. I already knew what he looked like, what his name was and how many children he had before he even opened the door. 

"Ah yes, you must be Miss Belle our new student. Class this is Miss Belle," He introduced me to a new sea of faces. 

"You can take that seat back there beside Mister Chase," He pointed me in the right direction. 

I walked to my seat and tried not to listen to anyone's thoughts. Mr. Darke had gotten to work continuing with the current Shakespeare novel we were studying at the moment. I looked at Mister Chase, also known as Logan and decided he wasn't bad looking. At the end of class a girl named Annabelle Taylor came up to me and had already decided we were going to become friends, so I went along with it. It couldn't hurt to make one friend today, she even seemed nice. She was really pretty and I decided I wasn't going to pry into her mind because it would ruin my chance of actually making a friend. 

As it turns out Miss Taylor and I had two more classes together that day, Science and Business. I was really happy that I had actually begun to fit in somewhere. By the end of the day Miss Taylor and I had exchanged phone numbers and were making plans for the weekend. Oh and about Mister Chase him and I had third period music together. I didn't peg him as the classical instrument type but yet he surprised me. They take music classes very seriously here at Clearview, I was told to learn the new repertoire by next class which wasn't much of a problem for me. I had always been very gifted at the Violin. Mister Chase and I shared a desk together in the second violin section. This didn't bother me I was going to try and stay a second violin for as long as possible just so I could possibly befriend this gorgeous boy. 

Grace came to pick me up after school. 

"Ooh good day at school today? Your aura looks fantastic!" 

"Hello to you too, my aura? You can see auras now?" 

"Sure you could too if you focused hard enough" 

"So your aura is pink, I take it you had fun with Jason today," I said. 

Then Grace gunned it out of the parking lot and I screamed so loud I think the entire school heard it. I'm not sure how that will affect my second day. 

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