The Spell

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Lucy had woken up many times throughout the night to tend to a fussing baby Natsu. Man this whole baby thing was tiring. At least when she really had a child of her own, she'd have another pair of hands to help out. She had collapsed onto one of the couches in a side lounge, Natsu cradled to her chest as she fell asleep. Another hour or so, once again, Lucy stirred from her light sleep to the sound of crying. Remembering Natsu's current condition, she gasped and opened her eyes. Natsu was crying loudly and thrashing around to get her attention. She sat up carefully with him and stepped out of the lounge. She looked around at the guild. She wondered when people would start to come in for the day, it was probably nearing early morning. A glance at the clock confirmed it was 7AM. Mira would probably be here any moment. The main hall was mostly empty, although Lucy could see a few more people sleeping here overnight as well. Probably an exception because of Natsu's strange transformation, staying here in case Lucy needed help.

Lucy quickly changed Natsu's diaper and decided to feed him since he was still fussy. She walked to the kitchen with Natsu whining on her hip, his tiny hands pulling her hair. She pried his hands away from her,
"Ow! Natsu let go! I'll get you a bottle, hold on you brat."
She pulled a bottle from the fridge, heating it up. Mira had gone home last night since she has her own baby to worry about, but Lucy was relieved that she had left things for Natsu for the whole night. Lucy tested the temperature before shoving it into Natsu's eager mouth. She rocked him as he slurped up the contents in the bottle.

She walked about the guild aimlessly as he ate. She shifted when she heard a door close behind her. Markarov came through the front doors, looking exhausted and frail. He was really getting up there in years.
"Eh? Master? What are you still doing here this early?" Master chuckled as he peered at the baby in Lucy's arms. "Well I've been swamped with paperwork as usual because of you destructive brats. I came in for a head start. I also did a bit of research on Natsu's condition."
Lucy perked up, curious to see what information he had.

"The spell is completely harmless, as we suspected. It turns the target into a babe, not even one year old. This particular transformation will only last 24 hours thankfully. I assume that sometime around late morning today Natsu will return to normal. I think he changed around 10 yesterday. Because of the effects of the spell, he will not remember anything, just as he is not aware of anything right now. Good thing we have plenty of evidence!" Master beamed up at her. Lucy chuckled, readjusting Natsu in her arms. Natsu's reaction would be priceless.
"Master? Is there anything about the spell that makes him fuss over not being with me? Perhaps because the spell was meant to hit me?" Master laughed throatily and shook his head. "That has nothing to do with the spell, my child! Even as a baby, you are the only one who can completely calm him down. Your touch soothes him. It is because of the bond of trust that you two have, deeper than most bonds, that he clings to you." Master smiled again, waving as he walked away to his office.

Lucy digested this information. Her and Natsu did trust each other completely, even with their lives, so it made sense to her. They crossed each other's boundaries so much Lucy didn't understand the word privacy anymore. That's just how it was with Natsu. But she wasn't the only one he trusted, so why did he refuse everyone else? Even if he didn't trust them as deeply, he should be comfortable around them. She shrugged her shoulders, it didn't really matter. He would be normal in a few hours. She was kind of disappointed, she loved taking care of baby Natsu! He was so precious and cute. But of course he wouldn't stay this way forever.

After placing the empty bottle on top of the bar counter, Lucy walked into the lounge again, settling herself down in one of the comfy couches with Natsu resting on her. She was exhausted from getting up almost every hour to tend to his needs. It was a little after 8 by now. Tired as she was, it was worth it to her. She hardly ever got the chance to take care of Natsu and repay him for protecting her in every situation. She smiled at him as she caressed his chubby face. His face split into a happy smile, and Lucy's heart melted on the spot. She squealed and crushed Natsu to her, nuzzling her face into him and planting loving kisses all over him- he was so freaking adorable! His small fingers rested on her mouth, she pretended to chomp at them, enraptured by his squeals of delight. She rocked him back and forth, cooing, doting on him, covering him in kisses, and making funny faces until his eyes finally closed. Placing him on her chest again, she laid her head back down.

Lucy awoke this time to giggles and camera snapping noises. She leaned up from the couch, groggily eyeing her squealing guild mates. Cana smirked down at her, pulling a flask of who knows what kind of alcohol from her lips. "Well well. Good morning sleeping beauty. Where's your baby?" Suddenly she panicked, Natsu wasn't cradled into her chest. "Natsu?!"

Lucy's Baby-A Nalu storyWhere stories live. Discover now