Chapter 7: Found

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Draco's POV:

Before Harry walked out of the Slytherin Common Room, I could tell he was panicking. I'm worried. Worried for Harry. So I went to go find the next best thing.


I needed to find Harry and quick. In case he does anything. First I went to the library, since Hermione is probably studying for some up coming test.

She wasn't there. Why? The one time I need her, and she's always in the library, she isn't there! It takes me 15 minutes to find her, in the Gryffindor Common Room.

I knock on the door, banging hard and loud. My hands turn red in the process.

Finally, the door opens after 5 minutes of knocking. Ron stands there,
"What do you want Malfoy?" He asks, aggressively.
"I don't have time to deal with you right now. Where is Hermione?" I say pushing past him and looking around the Gryffidor Common Room. I spot her in the far corner with her nose in a book. I walk over to her, getting more and more nervous.  My footsteps alert her and she looks up, as I stand still. My hands start sweating. I clench my hands into fists and unclench repeatedly.

Hermione notices, and stands up.
"What's wrong?" She says, clearly a bit nervous of my nervousness.
"If Harry was nervous and wanted to calm down, where would he go?"
"Umm.....why do you want to know? Why do you even care where Harry is?"
"That's not important. Well, it is. But not right now. Where would he go?" I said, impatiently.
"Why? What's happened?" Hermione crossed her arms. I guess she thinks I'm going to hurt Harry. Although, that's understandable knowing our history. I would never hurt him though. I've changed. I was getting angrier. And more impatient.
"Oh my god fine. I'll come with you though and Ron." She said. I didn't argue, I needed to find him and quick.
"Let's check Hagrid's Hut first." Hermione walked away towards the door (with Ron by her side), assuming I would follow her and I did.

We got Hagrid's and I wasn't greeted nicely. I didn't care though. I needed to get to Harry. (A/N: I don't know how to write Hagrid's accent/voice, sorry)
"Oh, Hermione! How are you? How is Ro-" Hagrid said before his eyes rested on me. I looked at the ground.
"Hi, Hagrid." I spoke in a quiet voice.
"What are you doing here? You never come here." He asked me. I didn't know what to say since I was looking for Harry and not him. Hermione spoke for me.
"Well, we were wondering where Harry is. Have you seen him?"
"No I don't but you know he might be where you guys used to hang out. Check there." Hagrid informed us. I had no idea where they used to hang out. We said our goodbyes to Hagrid and left.

Once we were outside, I asked Hermione what he meant by where they used to hang out.
"Before when Harry, Ron and I were friends, we used to hang out in the ROR. It was nice and we used to have such great times there. It calmed us down fro everything that was going on at school and in Harry's case his home life with the Dursley's." Hermione explained while smiling until she mentioned Harry's home life. Ron smiled as well until Harry's home life was mentioned.

What was so bad about Harry's home life?

"Do you think he'll be there? In the ROR?" I asked Hermione and Ron. They both looked at me, confused. They nodded but Ron stopped to face me, stopping us walking.

"Why do you even care where Harry is? It just doesn't make sense why you care about him all of a sudden."
"Um...." I couldn't tell them the truth. Harry would get mad. I looked down at the floor, "Look, I know you guys won't believe me but I'm sorry for what I've done to you guys since our 1st year. I apologise. I've already apologised to Harry and he said it was alright and now we're friends. He ran off looking nervous and I could tell he was panicking. I don't know why though. So can we please just get to the ROR!" I told them, lying about half of it. After I said my last word, I stormed off going to the ROR leaving Hermione and Ron shocked. They know I've never apologised to anyone. I don't do it regularly, despite my behaviour.

Hermione and Ron soon caught up to me and said that it was ok. They walked hand in hand. I suddenly wished that Harry was here with me and that we could do that, without anyone judging us. I looked away from their linked hands and spotted Blaise in one of the many hallways in the castle. Blaise can read me like a book. He's one of my best mates. Because of this, he notices I'm not in a good mood and comes over to me. His steps soon fall into the same rhythm as mine.

"Draco, what's wrong?" Blaise asked, like I told you: he can read me like a book. I stop--making Ron and Hermione stop as well-- and I turn and face Blaise. He faces me. Our eyes locked.

Tears sting my eyes and I hug Blaise and whisper, "Harry," so quietly that only he can hear. One tear escapes as Blaise hugs me back and nods. I pull away and I can tell he understands. The sadness is soon replaced with the worry again. We start walking, with Blaise, to the ROR. Hermione and Ron don't say anything, but their faces say it all. They're confused about what happened between Blaise and me.

The door to the ROR appears, as we approach it. Blasé looks confused as to why we're here but he doesn't question it. We walk in and I immediately here sniffles. I start running to where I heard them coming from.

I approach the far right corner and see Harry surrounded by blankets and cushions and also....blood dripping down his left wrist.

"Harry!!" I scream and run towards him, falling beside him.

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