Chapter 6:Memories

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The next day...

Harry's POV:

I'm lying in my bed. Well Draco's bed. We fell asleep last night while talking. I had so much fun. It was just talking but I got to know Draco a bit more. I told him, I was gay and that nobody knew. He told me, he was bisexual and that Blaise knew about it and that he knew that he liked me.

I've just realised that Draco's arm is around my waist and that me back is against his chest. My god! Why is he always bloody warm 24/7!!?? I can feel his breath on my neck, as he breaths. I turn around and snuggle my head into the crook of his neck. His warmth surrounds me. I don't get why I'm bloody cold all the time. Draco wraps his arms tighter around me. He's just so amazing. I fall back asleep, surrounded by Draco's touch. Draco's smell. And his warmth.

Draco's POV:

I wake up around 11:30am with Harry snuggled in my neck. He's slightly warm, however, that's only 'cause of me. Usually, he's freezing cold, like he's been surrounded by ice, wherever he is.
I get up not waking Harry, nevertheless he senses I'm gone. He shivers as soon as I get up. Is this normal? For him to be that cold?

I head to my closet, grab a fresh pair of clothes and head to the bathroom to have a shower. Once I've finished showering, I change and step out of the bathroom.

I freeze. I stare. At him.

Harry is bare-chested and is looking at his right inner arm, inspecting the scars on it. His chest is hairless and his biceps flex as he continues to touch his scars. My eyes slide down to his abs. He has a flipping six pack. He notices me and blushes, standing up scrambling for his shirt. I'm still staring and I continue to. As he stands up and puts his shirt on, my eyes slide down even further to his v-line. So sexy! Yes, I think Harry Potter is sexy. I blush and look away.

Harry clears his throat. I look up and meet his eyes. His perfect eyes. I love the shade of green in them. He has a shirt on now. I frown a little but then quickly smile to hide my disappointment of more clothing on him.
"Sorry. I forgot that you were in the bathroom. I was just looking at how my cuts were healing." Harry says.
"Oh, that's fine. How are they?"
"They're just scars. I think I'm able to go to lessons today."
"Are you sure? I'm going to stay with you then."
"Yeah, I'm sure. I've already missed a lot of school. I need to catch up. So do you." Harry stated.
"Yeah, you're right. Do you want to go tomorrow or finish off today?" I asked.
"I want to finish off today."
"Ok, I'll grab my robe and change in the bathroom. You can change in here." I grab my robe and make my way the bathroom and change. I knock on the door.
"Harry, you done? I don't want to walk in on you half naked again." I chuckle to myself.
"Yeah, I'm done. And you probably didn't mind when I didn't have a shirt on." He says. I blush as I remember his muscles and abs. I compose myself and walk out to see Harry leaning against the wall by the door.
"You ready?" Harry asks. I nod and we walk outside and into the common room. I take Harry's hand and intertwine our fingers. Harry's eyes are looking at the floor but I feel him squeeze my hand. He looks up and I realise people have hushed and are staring at us. He freezes for a split second and then snaps back to reality. He takes his hand out of mine and rushes out of the common room.

It takes me a second to realise that he's gone. I rush towards the door and look left and right but Harry is nowhere to be seen or heard.

Harry's POV:

I rush down the hall, out of sight of the Slytherin Common Room. I walk through a series of hallways before the door to the Room Of Requirement appears and I walk in.

I make my way through the confusing jumble of mess everywhere, occasionally dodging a falling object from a heap of junk. I go to the far right corner of the room, and sit down on a pile of cushions and pick up a book and try to read.

After a while, I decide that it's no use. I keep thinking about how people were looking at Draoc and me. They seemed surprised to even see Draco and me not fighting. But then they noticed that we were holding hands, and surprised turned into shock then disgust. That is what I was afraid of. To have people judging me because of who I like. I'm scared to even be myself.

I know it's dumb but being yourself is the hardest thing in the world. I don't want to people to judge me. I want to be with.... Draco. I want to be able to hold hands with him in public. I don't want people to judge and make fun of me. I'm simply just being myelf.

I don't know how long I've been sitting here. I spend a lot of time here, ever since Hermione and Ron aren't friends with me. It's the one place where we could hang out without getting into trouble and bing disturbed. We had some great times here. I remember last year, we were playing truth or dare; Ron chose dare. I dared him to say who likes. His answer was Hermione. Hermione spat out the hot cocoa she was drinking spraying it all over me. We started laughing so much that our stomachs hurt. I lean back against the wall and smile at the memory. Since then, Ron and Hermione have been together. As far as I know. They may have broken but I doubt it. They were inseparable once they got together. I will admit, I was jealous. I wanted that sort of relationship with Draco. At the time, I thought that was impossible. Now, I'm his boyfriend. I smile even bigger.

All the good memories soon disappear as my haunting past comes rushing back to me. Uncle Vernon, shouting at me; ordering me to do all sorts of things. Aunt Petunia, handing me chores and not talking to me ever. Dudley, using me as a punching bag; kicking me whenever he wanted. The pain that I used to endure, creeps up on me once again. The headaches come back. The pain in my stomach, ribs, back come back. My legs and arms start to shake.

I can't take this. I can't take the pain. I start sweating. I can't breathe. All the hurt comes back all at once. It's too overwhelming. Since I'm in the ROR, it basically has everything. I look to my right and see a knife on the floor. I pick it up. It's not as sharp as I'd like it to be. Maybe the ROR, doesn't want me to hurt myelf that bad. That's dumb. The ROR doesn't care about me. No one cares about me.

I put the not-so-sharp knife to my left arm and make a cut. Blood drips onto the blanket underneath the cushions.


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