Chapter 2: Black Lake

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After school at The Black Lake

Draco's POV:

I just got to the Black Lake and I'm looking at the water, thinking about life and why Harry is acting the way he his. What's different about him? What happened? Well, there was that argument between Granger, Weasley and him. Maybe that's why he's so distant. But it's been months since that happened. That can't be the reason why he's so distant.

I notice someone walk past, hurrying. I turn around and realise it's Harry. As he walks his robe blows in the wind. The reflection of metal shines in my eyes. What is that? I follow him. I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach, as I walk behind him a few metres away. He doesn't notice me.

Harry's POV:

Lessons finished half an hour ago. That gave me time to go to my room and grab the knife. I put it in my robe where no one can see it. I make my way to The Black Lake and see Malfoy by the lake on the way. I rush to a part of the lake where it's covered by trees. I found this spot a while ago. I doubt anyone will notice I'm gone. I'd be surprised if they do notice. They won't be able to find me though. Well, my body.

I get the knife out, take my robe off, pull my right sleeve up and put the knife to my wrist. I make a cut. Blood drops to the ground. I hear leaves crunch behind me but I don't care. It's probably the wind. I'm going through with this. I make another cut on top of the other one but this time diagonal. More blood drops onto the ground. Cutting myself makes me feel good. I walk towards the water and the blood mixes with the water. It looks nice. I should make another cut. I want to feel joy when I die. I do multiple cuts in the same place and I start to feel light headed. I sigh in relief. This is it, I'm gonna die because of blood loss. Something stands a few metres behind me. I don't care what it is or who it is. My feet are cold from the lake water. What if I drown? No. I want to die because of blood loss. The thing, I'm pretty sure it's a person, behind me stands next to me and faces me.

"Harry?" I look to my right. My eyes are a tiny bit blurred because of the tears that are about to escape. It's Draco. Great. Wait, he didn't call me Potter. Why not? He looks at my arm. Shock and concern fills his face. "Harry! Why did you do this?" He takes of his robe and wraps it around my cuts, putting pressure on it. I wince a little and then I lean on him since I feel like weak. I don't care that it's Draco. He grabs me softly by the arms and sits on the ground with me sitting/leaning on him.
"Why are you being so nice? Why are you even here?" I ask him. He looks at me with worry on his face. "Why are you so worried? Aren't you happy?"
"No! Why would I be happy!? Harry, you hurt yourself on purpose. Why?"
"I thought it would be better off if I just left this world. I can't stand being alone all the time. Everyone avoiding me. Not talking to anyone. I hate it. So I decided to..." I told him honestly, trailing off. He grabbed me and hugged me. At first I was tense then I relaxed into his embrace. I hugged him back, enjoying his warmth and the feeling. He let go and looked into my eyes tears forming.
"Oh... Harry all you had to do was talk to someone. A teacher. Anyone. I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you and your friends. I only did it 'cause...." Draco said trailing off, looking away and blushing. What is up with him? He's never like this.
"Draco..." He looked up startled to hear his name. "Thanks for being here. I forgive you. I really don't care about what you did to be honest. I'm just glad you're here." I said, blushing a little. I gripped his waist and buried my face into his chest. "Please don't leave." My voice muffled by his clothes.
"I won't." Draco said, holding me. I felt a small warmth for a second on top of my head. Did Draco just kiss my head? Honestly, I don't mind. I blush a bit more. I close my eyes and snuggle closer to him, letting a tear escape.

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