Chapter 3: Healing

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Draco's POV:

"Harry, let's go back to my room. I'm going to heal your cuts. Unless you want to go to the Hospital Wing?" I asked Harry after we sat in silence for a while. He thinks for a few moments.
"Um...I'm not going to the Hospital Wing. Let's go back to your room. Wait, is that even allowed?"
"Yeah. Let me help you get up." I said as I got up and helped Harry to his feet. He still kept leaning on me, and was really light for a boy his age/size. I'll need to make sure he eats more often. He must be really weak. How much blood did he lose!? We walked to my room. A lot of people were staring at us while we walked through the halls. It's not everyday you see the school's enemies walking close together-one leaning the other.

We entered the Slytherin Common room. Blaise immediately came over to me, looking at Harry leaning on me, concerned. I never imagined Blaise being concerned about Harry.
"What happened?" He asked, while helping Harry lay down on the couch. He didn't even seem to mind that it was Harry that he was helping.
"Just get the healing book we have. If Harry wants to tell you what happened, then he'll tell you. Afterwards." Blaise went to get the book that contained healing spells. Harry had passed out. I bent down next to him, held his hand and started whispering,
"Harry, stay with me. Don't leave. Stay alive. I'll stay here with you. I'll stay by your side. Just don't leave me." I stood up and saw that Blaise was behind me looking at me.
"I got it." He handed me the book and I flicked through it. I got my wand out and started saying the spell written in the book. Blaise was looking at me. He looked like he wanted to ask me something. Had he heard what I said?

After I finished with the spell, I sat down next to Blaise on the other couch opposite where Harry was laying. I really hope Harry is ok. I can't believe I kissed him on the head. He didn't even say anything about it. I know that he knew that I did it but he didn't seem mind.

"Draco, can I ask you something?" Blaise said. I looked at him and nodded. What did he want to ask? He knows everything about me. Well, almost. Other than the fact that I'm bisexual.....and that I like Harry. What if he noticed? Is that what he wants to ask me? My heart started to beat a tiny bit faster.
"Draco, do you like Harry?" Blaise asked. My face went blank. It drained of colour; I was paler than I usually am, I'm sure. I was shocked. I wasn't ready to tell anyone. How did he find out?
"I don't mind. You can be who you are. I've been noticing that you keep looking at Harry whenever he's near us. I also caught you talking to him just now. Are you gay?"
"Um. Yes, I like Harry but I'm not gay. I'm bisexual." I answered. "Please don't tell anyone. I'm not ready for people to know."
"I won't tell anyone. I promise. Does Harry know you like him?"
"Um. Not really. I haven't really talked to him. I just saw him and he this." I replied.

Harry's POV:

I slowly started opening my eyes. My vision becoming clearer. I blinked a few times. Green and silver decorations filled the room. I'm in the Slytherin Common room. Everything that happened before came rushing back to me. Me. The cuts. Draco. Blaise. And then I passed out.

I tried sitting up, alerting Blaise and Draco. Draco came over to me and kneeled down. "Are you ok? Do you feel better?" Draco asked. I nodded. I looked at Blaise, who was looking at us. I looked at my arm, remembering the cuts. They were gone. Only scars were there. I was shocked and I think Draco could tell as well. He smiled.
"I healed you, while you were passed out." Draco smiled. Blaise looked at his watch and said that he had to be somewhere. He left, leaving me and Draco alone. We looked at each other for a while-it wasn't awkward-until Draco broke the silence.

"Um, I think people are going to come in soon. Do you want to go to my room and rest there?" He asked me.
"Ok, but can I stay in your room for a bit? Just until I feel better. I don't want to go back to the Gryffindor Common room."
"Of course. I don't mind. You can stay as long as you want." Draco said as he got up and helped me up. I thanked him and he led us to his room.

As soon as his door closed, I sat down on his bed leaning my back on his soft pillows and heard people talking and entering in the common room.
"What do you want to do?" I asked as he sat down in front of me with his legs crossed.
"Aren't you tired?" Draco asks. I shake my head. Draco said, "We could play truth or dare. But you have to answer."
"Ok, I'll go first. Truth or dare?"

"What were you doing at the lake?"
"I like to go there and think about my family and friends. Just life in general. Your turn. Truth or dare?"

"Truth." I said. Hopefully he doesn't ask me anything personal. I don't want him to find out that I like him.
"Do you like anyone?" He asks. Of course he asks the one question that I don't want him to ask. I nod and he keeps asks me a question about who it is. "What are house are they in?"
"Um...Slytherin." I mumble.

"SLYTHERIN!? I never thought you would go for anyone in Slytherin." He said shocked.
"Truth or dare?" I asked. Draco thought for a second and said:
"Do you like anyone and what house are they in?" I asked. He looked at me and says quietly,
"Yes, I do like someone. They're in Gryffindor."

"And you're the one shocked that I like someone from Slytherin!?"
"Yeah, yeah. Truth or dare?" Draco quickly dismissing my words. 
"I dare you to say who you like."
"What!?" Oh my god. I can't confess to him that I like him. He's probably straight. This can't be happening. I'm not going to say it.
"You have to."

"'s you." I say, looking at his duvet. Draco looks shocked.
"I like you too, Harry." He says. I look at him shocked. Is he serious!? He better not be joking. I swear if he's joking, I'm going to slap him and then apperate out of here.

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