Your Soul ~ XVII

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The younger of the two shrugged. "Because I like you, and you're going to be my wife one day."

"But I'm not a girl..."

     "Then I'll be the wife and you be the husband."

"...but you're not a girl either."

     "Then we'll both be husbands!"

At that, they both burst into laughter. Holding onto each other's hand. Then, little me spoke again. "I don't know why I don't like playing with others. Maybe it's because of their smell? They do smell bad..."

Little Nagisa frowned in confusion. "Their smell?"

     "Yeah, they smell funny...I don't like it."

"...oh okay." The blue haired boy snuggled closer to the other. "Do I smell bad?"

Mini Karma shook his head. "You smell really good, that's why I like being with you. And 'cause you're nice and sweet and mama said!"

I stared at the in confusion. Did I meet Nagisa when I was little? I don't...remember ever meeting him before he summoned me. This is a fake memory, a dream. Definitely a dream. But then again...dreams are memories, in a way. The faces you see in dreams that you've never met before, you've seen them somewhere in your past. Then...that would mean that I actually met Nagisa when I was seven years old.

Looking at him like this, I can see the difference between his child self and his current self. Here, his eyes are brighter, filled with so much life.

Nagisa grinned, hugging Mini Me's arm. "I like being with you too. You make me feel safe, and you're really really warm!" His face turned pink. "You smell good too, and you're kind...and pretty!"

Hearing him say that made my heart skip a beat. But as they began to laugh again, I saw how child-me looked at child Nagisa. Golden eyes filled with nothing but pure adoration for the other. That's a look I've never seen on myself, ever.

"Karma." Someone spoke, but I didn't see who it was. Suddenly, I was lightheaded. I grabbed the nearest thing, a lamppost, to support myself. But my hand just went through it.

"Karma, wake up." The voice spoke again. "Come on..."

Everything, my surroundings, faded away...everything turning black again. I closed my eyes, waiting for a few seconds before squinting them open. The first thing I saw was his face. Nagisa's I mean. With a sigh, I propped myself up on my elbows. "Good morning."

Nagisa gave me a worried expression. "You were sleeping again."

     "Am I not allowed?"

"That's—that's not it." He said in a soft tone. "It's just that, you sleeping is kinda new. And the times that I've caught you sleeping, you always have a frightened look on your face and I'm just worried and—"

     "I'm okay, Nagisa."

"No. You're not." He narrowed his eyes. "The last time you said you were fine....and it was so obvious that you weren't. You—you know you can talk to me...right? Whatever is bothering you, you can always—"

     "It's none of your business," I interrupted him. "Don't poke your nose in what doesn't concern you, Shiota." I turned away from him after getting up from my previous position, ignoring that he suddenly tensed. "Don't we have school? Yeah, we do."

", yeah—yeah we do. I'll—uh...get ready." He said in a stutter. "I'm sorry for being a bother."


Your Soul: Where Light Goes, Darkness FollowsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon