Chapter 5: ..burden me..

Comincia dall'inizio

I'm sure you got the best excuses. To keep me at your feet It's all you got to clear your conscience, Take a good long look at me!You see a shell of what I used to be, And can't get close to anyone or anything, Like how I thought it should be





"A-akashi..." she murmured, the red head heard it but he didnt bothered. " egao if ever there will be a time we will be friends again I would say never. your just a pice of trash... A slave.. a slave who wants to achieve her goals but wont be able to. " he starightforwardly said. " s-seijuro... I dont care whether you give me pain... Burden me.. Make my life miserable Nothing will change my mind in saving you... Because.. I love you s-seijuro.. " she blushed to different shades of red while her tears keep on falling. akashi looks very irritated. " egao.. I hate you. " he said. Her heart broke to a million pieces...




You've lost your chance , And you will never get to love me again, The sky has opened up, And I can finally see the sun

And what it was, it was!







She shaked her head to go back to reality she didnt realize she was holding her necklace in her hand. Kuroko noticed it but he didnt bothered, he just smiled at egao like nothing happened.




You, you know I'm not alright, This is where I draw the line, I've tried to run, I've tried to hide, But I'm so badly broken! You know you swept me off my feet, And now I'm stuck beneath, The bridge you burned on top of me, And I'm so badly broken.




"A-ah.. G-gomen.. " she said apoligizing, " hai. its fine. " kuroko said chuckling softly. " yosh! We need to prepare for kaijo! " riko said cheerfully. " shall we join them egao-san? " kuroko said, offering her hand. She smiled softly, and she hid back the necklace, She took kuroko's hand and they both ran towards the team giving a cheerfull smile.




You know, You know I'm not alright, This is where I draw the line, I've tried to run, I've tried to hide, But I'm so badly broken, You know you swept me off my feet, And now I'm stuck beneath, The bridge you burned on top of me. And I'm so badly broken.




" HAI!!! " the team answered in chorus.




And you will never get to love me again





~ time Skip: afternoon but nearly night~

" egao - san that hurts " kuroko said starring up at egao with his emotionless face while egao was giving him noggies.

" your saying it hurts yet you stil have that emotionless face on. Hahahaah!" Egao said laughing, they finish their practice and it was already time to go home, but before they could go, riko wanted to talk to egao about the practice match.

" ready for tomorrow egao-san? " kuroko said smiling slightly, " why are you asking me that I should be the one asking you that" she pouted. " eh.. Its your first role as manager... Manager-san" kuroko chuckled softly. " souka... Hai! Do your best kuro-chan!~" egao said cheerfully. Kuroko nodded in response.

She thugged slightly on his shirt " nee nee kuro-chan jaa nee~ i need to stop here" kuroko's face was a bit curious, he looked at the place where she said she will stop, he slightly scratched the back of his head starring up at the night sky. Egao looked up at him curiously " uhmm is there something up there? " she chuckled slightly.

" ah nandemonai... But egao-san you should go home " he said looking at the park where egao wanted to stop. " eh?... Why?" She asked. " it's getting late your parents might be looking for you. " he reasoned out. She gave a big sigh, and nodded as a response. He sighed in relief.

At egao's house

"egao-chann!!!! OKAIRIII!!!!!!!" Her brother called out when egao opened the door. " ah nii-chan tadaimassu ~" she said locking the door behind her. " how was your day~~? " he said being very cheerful. " just fine... Just the usual~~ " she said with a smile on her face. She dropped her bag and removed her jacket and hanged it on the stand. " oh good i can finally tell you...." Ogiwara's face became serious. so serious that egao standed there awkwardly. " ah...tell me what?..." she asked curiously.

" egao-chan.. Were going to kyoto the day after tomorrow." Ogiwara said. Egao suddenly felt like punching the wall, which she did. She hitted it again and again removing all of her sadness and anger there. she didnt care if it bleeds or breaks. " o-oi!! Egao-chan!! You might make your fingers bleed!!! " he panickly said and grabbed her hands from stopping her to hit another. "Egao-chan..." he said worriedly. " ah.. Gomen... I'll be in my room." she said, like nothing happened and she rushed going to her room. Ogiwara chased her. " egao-chan!!" But before he could reach her she closed the door and locked it.

He banged on the wall " egao-chan!! open this door!!". Her parents looked suddenly heard all of the ruckus when they were both in the kitchen, their parents rushed upstairs. " oi shinge what's going on here?" His father demanded. " its egao-chan i told her about the flight" his father gave a big sigh, he just walked downstairs and continued what he was doing in the kitchen. Her mother looks worried.

" dammit.. Why... it was always him i have to follow... He doesnt even know how i feel... He doesnt even... Dammit.. Im sorry kuro-chan.. But i can't take it anymore." ...


whoopss~ so sorry but I have to stop it here for a while ~(=w=)~ I was crying while reading like OMG .. TTATT my poor baby is crying all day... IHVSKHGSG i wanna save her so bad this story is just to much to relate like ; - ;... Anyway school is tomorrow g'night guys!~

Everything has changed (akashi x oc)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora