37. Love

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I linger at the bar downstairs, glad that no one's approaching me while I keep an eye on the private booth across the room. Of course, I can't see a thing. It's hidden in shadows. Part of me wants them to be done talking so the waiting finally ends, the other knows well enough what's lying in wait for me when that happens, and it's dreading to face Gavrilo.

A good hour later, my father descends the stairs, casting a faint smile in my direction that makes my heart sink. He looks absolutely content - as if things were going exactly his way. A nod, then he turns away from me, slipping an arm around the gorgeous blonde at his side. I watch his back while he leaves, only making my way upstairs when I can't see him anymore.

I find Gavrilo sprawled out on the dark leather, sipping away at some sort of liquor with his head propped up on the armrest. He shifts to make a little room, then pads the space next to his hips. I come closer very slowly; my heart jumps into my throat with every step, threatening to suffocate me. When I finally sit down, he sneaks an arm around my waist to pull me closer so our bodies touch.

I can't say how long exactly we sit in silence before he speaks up. It was a couple minutes at least.

"What happened, sweetheart?" My throat constricts as tears rise to my eyes at the gentleness of his voice that does nothing to hide the underlying pain. I don't even think he's trying to hide it, that's how honest he is with me concerning his feelings.

I shake my head in defeat, unable to feed him more lies and yet also failing to let go of the truth. All I want is to spend the next two days like we spent the last two weeks. After all, they are also our last two days.

I close my eyes when the tears threaten to fall.

"Please, don't do this." He puts the glass down before rolling onto his side, then pulling me down next to him. He cradles me in his arms, and I push back into him. His scent lingers in the air this close to him. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I thought this was what you wanted. You've been tempting me this whole evening, and I know you tend to misbehave when you're nervous, but really, I thought you were playing with me. Please, forgive me."

"It's okay," I squeeze out though it's obviously not. Gavrilo buries his nose in my neck while his grip on me becomes firmer, and he leaves kisses on my skin. I almost can't bring myself to say these next words, but just almost. "Just next time we go on a date, let's make it a real one, okay?"

I can feel his smile as his lips move into it, making me feel the worst I have ever felt. He nods, rubbing his nose across my skin. "Anything you want, love."

This newest nickname only spills the tears from my eyes in streams while I tremble in his arms. Gavrilo holds me tightly without uttering another word, allowing me to cope in the only way I can. I turn around in his arms to bury my face in his chest, and I absolutely hate myself for it. I'm seeking comfort while plotting to destroy him - and maybe even worse, take care of him.

I should know better. After all, I've had my own share of disappointing relationships, yet the only person who's ever really been there for me since Mom is my father. I can't turn my back on him now, not even for the man who's gently holding on to my heart.


I know this is super short, but I feel like that's the perfect end for this scene. Love you all - I think we can need a little love now.



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