26. Attention

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Going for a run definitely cleared my head, and when my workout's done, I feel grounded yet again. I spent a good amount of time thinking about why I'm doing this, about the kind of person that he really is. It's alright to admit that he's not entirely a monster, that he can actually be really nice and caring - but in the end, the world is going to be better off without guys like him.

I'm going to be better off without him. In the long run.

I clasp my face when I step out of the frosty shower, then grab my phone that had vibrated twice while I was scrubbing off sweat. My lips involuntarily pull back into a soft smile when I see Gavrilo's name on the screen and the message he's sent me.

'Welcome home, sweetheart. Come to my office when you've cleaned yourself up.'

I roll my eyes at my stupidly fluttering heart and am about to put the phone away when I remember that I received two messages. Frowning, I open the app again only to notice my co-worker's name at the top of the list. Right, I promised Melanie to hang out today.

She sent me a reminder of that with a winking smiley, then elaborately explained why some of her friends would tag along before concluding with 'later, sexy'. Sighing, I toss the phone aside and dry myself. Going out is as important for me right now as it is for Mike, so I guess I should try to break the news to Gavrilo instead of weaselling out of it. We're on good terms which makes me hope that he'll agree without a fuss.

When I'm done getting ready for Gavrilo, the bodyguards at my door are nice enough to stoically lead me to his office. The door is closed, so I simply stand there, uncertain what to do. The men's stares aren't helping at all, so after a couple minutes have passed without Gavrilo calling me inside, I knock.

"Come in!"

I obediently slip inside and notice him sitting behind a large desk crowded with stacks of papers and laptops, then quickly cast my eyes down.

"Come here." He sounds a little husky, and that kind of voice reminds me of other occasions where he welcomed me into his arms. The memories send a jolt down my spine that makes me straighten my back while my groin tingles pleasantly. When I'm in front of him, he gently but firmly pulls me onto his lap, kissing my shoulder.

"Feeling better?"

The way his lips move across my skin makes me shiver, so my voice is a little tight when I answer, "Yes, Master Kemp."

His fingers slide down my arms to my thighs, then up my hips and onto my stomach. My muscles clench at the painful tugging sensation that pulls at my swelling member, but Gavrilo doesn't let the tension disturb him. The tips of his fingers start drawing circles.

"I still got some work to do, but it would make me really happy if you stayed here with me," he says softly, making my breath hitch. He stills, then slowly finds my hard-on. His lips curl back into a grin against my skin. All I can think about is him pumping me.

"Mike," he whispers and I hum questioningly before remembering part of my manners.

"Yes, Master Kemp?" My voice turns into a moan when his thumb pushes down on my tip, circling it to spread the slick pre-cum.

"I said it would make me really happy if you stayed while I worked," he repeats with obvious amusement, then squeezes my cock and lets go of it. I groan in frustration, almost forgetting that I'm supposed to answer him yet again.

"I'd love to stay with you, Master," I tell him, breathing heavily. My eyes drop shut as a wave of pleasure ripples through me, and I lean back against him, feeling weak.

He nuzzles my hair, chuckling softly. "Then down with you."

"Huh?" I make intelligibly. After all, he made me expect a wonderful orgasm just now - and apparently, I'm not going to get that.

"You know, this is the third time you're not reacting when I tell you something. Do you want to be punished, Mike?"

Suddenly, he grips my member again and almost painfully hard, yet it's the sweet kind of pain that has my cock swelling until it's throbbing. I moan loudly.

"No, Master Kemp."

"Well, then maybe you should behave, hm?" he muses softly while his hand slowly moves up and down my length. I claw at his arm, barely able to stop myself from climbing him right here, especially now that his own erection is poking my rear. "I wonder what kind of punishment would be appropriate. Should I spank you, Mike? Push you down on this table and fuck your tight ass?"

I moan at the prospect, then mewl in frustration when he removes his hand, holding it up to show me how he's not going to do anything with it anymore. He laughs and gently pushes me off his lap.

"No, you'd enjoy that too much. I think this is going to be just fine."

I refrain from glaring at him and sit down next to his chair, sulking silently. He ruffles my hair, yet that touch only worsens the tension in my nether regions, and I curse myself inwardly for having been so distracted. At the same time, I'm hoping that he's just joking and the punishment merely consists of teasing me a little. But when he starts working diligently, I quickly give up on that.


Then again, I can't really blame anyone but myself. He's pretty clear on what he wants from me, and as long as I stick to the rules, he makes sure to not only please himself but to thoroughly pay attention to me as well. Sighing, I go over what happened in my hand, trying to figure out how the hell I failed to reply three times.

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