7. At Night

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It's half past one in the middle of the night when the dark SUV pulls up in front of an apartment complex. The driver informs me that I am awaited on the twenty-fourth floor, and I almost fall asleep on my way up there. The elevator moves agonizingly slowly, softly pushing me upwards.

When the door opens with a bright "Ding!", a broad foyer welcomes me. When I step onto the dark parquet floor, I notice two men wearing suits, one at each side of me. Their eyes are hidden behind sunglasses despite the ghostly hour, and their hands rest on their handguns. I am at Gavrilo's place, that's for sure, and the man doesn't make me wait long.

He steps into view at the end of the corridor, a lazy smile on his lips. His hair is tousled as if he had just gotten out of bed; which might be the case, for all I know. He's wearing nothing but grey sweatpants, exposing his packed stomach to my hungry eyes yet again. I suck in a sharp breath and quickly remember to force my gaze to the ground.

Gavrilo's chuckle carries over to me, breaking the silence. His bare feet slap on the wooden floor as he approaches me. My body tingles with an apprehension that collects between my hips, so when he reaches me and gently cups my cheek with his rough hands, a soft moan slips past my lips. My eyelids drop shut.

"I'm glad you could make it. You seem a little tired, though," he muses softly, stroking my cheek with his thumb. I open my eyes slightly, only to reveal how close he's standing. His chest is only an inch from mine.

The evening had been unusually busy for a Tuesday night, but there seems to have been some sort of business convention going on that brought the people to our place. When I'd left, two of my colleagues had still been working, tending to some fierce drinkers.

As the silence stretches, I notice that I might be supposed to answer. Gavrilo hadn't asked me a question, yet the etiquette of casual conversation would assume me to.

"Work was exhausting, Master Kemp. And I also missed some sleep last night."

"You couldn't sleep?" he inquires quietly, leaning down to look into my eyes. I avert my gaze uncomfortably and feel the blush creep up my cheeks. He seems to have a knack for getting under my skin. His tenderness is disarming, something I hadn't expected.

"I had troubles falling asleep, Master Kemp."

"Do you have to work tomorrow as well?"

"Yes, Master Kemp, but again in the evening."

He nods, stepping away from me.

"Then get some sleep first; there's a guest room you can use. We'll see how you're feeling tomorrow."

"But-" I break off as I notice my insolence just as Gavrilo pinches my butt. One corner of his lips pulls upwards into a playful grin.

"You have to look after yourself, or you won't be fit enough to please me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master Kemp."

"Good, then go ahead and get some sleep. I'll be looking forward to our time tomorrow."

He presses a kiss on my forehead before leading me to the guest room. His place is neat wherever I look, and he seems to have a thing for glass sculptures and oil paintings. The furniture is all sorts of black and white from satin to marble. He's put up mirrors everywhere. I can't see any cameras, but I'm sure they're there.

"This will be your room," Gavrilo says, pushing a white door open. There's a small window in it, allowing just anyone to watch me while I sleep. Great, I think, unable to keep the sarcasm away. "I will see you tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, Master Kemp."

He walks off to where we came from, and I briefly wonder if his bedroom lies that way. Guess I'll find out soon enough.

First thing I notice upon entering the room is that there is no smell whatsoever. It's clean to the point of being sanitary. Even the closet doesn't hint at any prior occupants. There are some clothes, yes, but I doubt whoever used this room before I had the exact same size. Possible, but very unlikely.

I suppose it will take some time for me to figure everything out, but I expect to pick up some clues every now and then. While I can't ask Gavrilo directly most of the time, he seems interested in the occasional conversation. First, I have to make sure that he's going to let me stay, though.

I take my clothes off, folding them neatly before putting them down on the bedside table. The sheets are almost too soft for my liking, made from some fabric so expensive that it feels awkward to lie down in it. The mattress has the perfect degree of hardness, and the room is pleasantly quiet, especially compared to my small apartment that's close to a highway.

Still, I toss around as sleep evades me, and even when it finally embraces me in its darkness. My dreams are as troubled as every night, allowing the bloodied shapes to haunt me. To grab my shoulders and push me around. Once, I wake up with a scream, panting and sweating madly.

When I look towards the door, I notice a face with sunglasses watching me.


Thank you for reading! The story has taken on shape in my head, and I'm super excited to hear what you think about the twists when the time comes :D



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