28. Trust

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I wince when he finally takes me down, cradling me in his arms. The whip lies at his feet, discarded. The whole thing probably only lasted about twenty minutes, yet I feel like I had been tied up for like an hour. My body shivers from exhaustion, so I press it against his and bury my face in his neck, searching for warmth and his scent.

Gavrilo pecks my forehead before carrying me to his bedroom, then gently lies me down on the soft sheets. I hiss in pain anyways because the change of position makes my skin stretch, straining against the wounds he left on my body. He hushes me gently and runs his fingers through my hair, brushing the damp strands that are clinging to my forehead away before kissing it another time.

"I'll prepare a bath for you. It's going to sting a bit, but it'll get better after that," he whispers.

I groan at the prospect of more of this burning pain, yet I diligently reply, "Yes, Master Kemp."

After all, I'm here to please him - and no matter how much it troubles me, I get more in return than I have ever dared to wish for. So when his fingers slip away from my face, my hand finds his on its own accord, holding on tentatively. My gaze flickers up to his lips which have formed the smallest smile. It might have gone unnoticed if I wasn't so used to watching everything about him except his eyes.

"I'm sorry if I disappointed you, Master Kemp. Thank you for the punishment." The words come out very quietly, especially that last bit. Still, I feel like it's the right thing to say. He has to know that I accept his judgement and that I don't hold any grudges because of it. On the contrary, his attention only shows me how much he cares.

His smile blossoms. "You never disappoint me, Mike. Promise. If anything, you really surprise me - pleasantly. I know I called it punishment, but maybe you should see it more as disciplining. Yeah, I think disciplining is better."

He squeezes my hand before pulling away, and I watch him walk over to the bathroom. A second later, the sounds of water filling the tub reach my ears. I listen to the gentle rushing while my eyelids drop shut, allowing me to drift off into a state of half-sleep. When later the bed shifts and Gavrilo lies down beside me, I wrap my arms around his neck to pull us closer.

"Bath is ready," he mumbles into my hair and rubs his nose across my scalp. "And not that I want to get rid of you, but if you want to go out tonight, I really think you have to get up now or it's going to get really late."

I groan tiredly while my arms tense around his shoulders. Somehow, I regret making plans for tonight. Maybe we would've been able to cuddle a little more and spend more time together if I hadn't. Not that that would have been healthy, but still.

He chuckles. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you into your bath."

"Yes, Master Kemp," I agree reluctantly and sigh. My arms drop away from his body, allowing him to get up so he can lead the way into the bathroom. I frown at the steaming water but get in the tub without complaints. He was right; the water stings, and whatever he put into it stings even more. I wince, carefully lying down.

Gavrilo washes me with a sponge, tenderly running it over the bruises. Swollen lines have formed that stand out on my reddened skin. I take a deep breath and concentrate on staying still. He takes care of me silently and still doesn't say a thing when he guides me out of the tub to dab me dry. Afterwards, he applies oil to the marks he left on me. He looks so concentrated - and noticing that makes me smile.

"Mike, when you go out tonight-" He breaks off with a sigh. His fingers linger on my stomach while he's crouching in front of me. When he gazes up into my eyes, I quickly avert them, staring straight ahead instead, though I'm itching to look at his expression. The vial of oil clicks quietly when he puts it down on the tiles. Next thing I know, he's holding my hands in his. "When you go out tonight, I don't want you to, well, to look at anyone else."

His hands squeeze mine and he mumbles, "You know what I mean."

I have to press my lips together to suppress that stupid smile that is eager to climb them. While I should just agree with him like a good sub, I can't help but voice my own needs. "Master- I don't want you to look at anyone else either, Master Kemp. Please."

He surprises me when he lifts my fingers to his lips, kissing each of them. I count the ten times his lips touch my skin in my head, and each time, my heart flutters stronger until it's right up in my throat, threatening to choke me. There are tears forming in my eyes that I blink away defiantly, wondering yet again why I have to find my haven with the person that I will lose sooner or later. Guess I should just be glad to have even a little of this happiness in my life - for a little while.

"Why are you crying?"

I shake my head in defeat, squeezing my eyes shut. Gavrilo gets to his feet and pulls me into an embrace, kissing away the tears at the corner of my eye. He takes my chin between two fingers to tilt my head upwards so his lips can find mine. My stomach contorts in the most pleasantly nauseating way that I've ever experienced, and I melt in his arms.


Do you think Mike will be able to do it? :/ Maybe I'm just being emotional right now, but I'm really starting to feel them.



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