19. Dogey

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He's mumbling peacefully in his sleep, one arm hanging out of the bed. It's kind of cute; the way he managed to completely turn around so that his head is now at the footboard, threatening to roll off every second. I catch myself smiling and school my expression while I wait patiently for him to wake up as well.

Maybe I would've slipped away for my morning workout if not for the collar around my neck. I don't dare take it off myself. He's the one who put it on, and he's the one who's going to remove it. It's very simple, yet it also means I'm stuck here for as long as he needs to sleep. I briefly entertain the idea of creating some noise, like clearing my throat loud enough to startle him awake. After all, I've been sitting here for quite a while already.

Before I can make a wrong decision, Gavrilo stirs with a yawn. He rolls onto his back and stretches his arms, a content smile on his lips. A deep groan resonates in his throat before, finally, he sits up cross-legged, looking around the room. His eyes pass me at first, then snap right back onto me, and I quickly lower my gaze, though not before noticing his grin.

"Have you been watching me?" He sounds rather playful, but that can have the same consequences as when he's mad. I don't think I would mind, though.

"I have been waiting for you to wake up, Master Kemp."

"And you've been watching me."

"Yes, Master Kemp," I admit quietly. The collar is pushing the spikes into my neck whenever I make a sound. Gavrilo stretches again before hopping off the bed, and his feet make a soft slapping sound when they land on the floor. I concentrate on his legs as he moves closer, though his morning wood so close to my face is making it difficult to look elsewhere. He leans forward to grab a leash, pushing his hips into my face. I don't move away even when his cock rubs against my nose.

"Take it out," he says while running the soft black leash through his hands. I moan at the invitation and obediently pull down his briefs so I'm staring straight at his beautiful erection. I plant a tentative kiss on the tip, and it twitches happily in response. "Get on with it, we don't have all day."

I take him into my mouth. He's hot and hard and dripping sweetly. Since Gavrilo is fixing the leash to the collar, I can only move carefully, though after he's done, I immediately quicken the pace. He moans loudly, greeting my mouth with small thrusts. I push my tongue against his cock and stroke its base firmly.

"Faster." He tugs at the leash, sending the spikes into my skin. I wince at the pain, yet my hips thrust needily. There's no denying that I'm enjoying myself as well, and the throbbing is becoming too much to bear. I grab myself, but a strong pull on the leash causes me to grimace and quickly remove my hand again.

I have to release his cock to cough. His impatient growl reminds me to get back to work, though. I suck him hard, ignoring my own needs. He moans loudly, then pulls me back so harsh that I have to cough again, and at the same time, I feel his hot cum spill onto my face and chest. I keep pumping him until he steps away. When I unconsciously lean after him, a tug on the leash tells me to stay.

"Finish yourself."

My fingers wrap around my girth before I can think twice about it, sent there by the spark that travelled down my spine at the sound of his command. I throw my head back with a moan, feeling the spikes dig into my skin. The pain is pleasure, and I can't say what's better. My hand pumping my cock, the sweet pressure of the collar, or knowing that he's watching me tremble?

I come with a strained scream, coating more of my skin in semen before I fall forwards, panting. Gavrilo carefully pulls me back up, yet I wince because now that my arousal is fading, I notice how sore my skin has become already. I crane my neck to loosen the collar, but the pressure from the leash only pulls it tighter.

"When wearing this collar, you're not allowed to stand on your feet unless using the bathroom. You'll be crawling on your knees wherever you go. You will be an obedient dog and listen to whoever is holding this leash. When you're not wearing the leash, you will stay in the same room as I.

You're a dog, so that's the only name you'll react to. When I call you, you will sit down to my right, the same way you're sitting right now. You will not eat unless I allow you to, and you will not use your hands whatever you do. Food and water will be provided in bowls when I see fit.

And lastly, you will not speak. Do you understand, dog?"

I gnaw at my bottom lip, frowning at his feet and wondering whether I'm supposed to bark in response. The thought actually sends a blush to my cheeks, so I simply nod instead. Making such noises would be too awkward, too embarrassing. Besides, he hasn't told me to do so, and maybe he'd think I was weird as well.

Gavrilo seems satisfied since he removes the leash. I sigh when the collar loosens, though the spikes are clinging to my skin as if stuck in it. They drop away when I shake my head, stinging painfully. Gavrilo walks off, and when he's about to leave the room, I start crawling after him, dripping semen on the floor.

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