20. Breakfast

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I'm dedicating this part to MoonAndStarsAreMe - thank you for reading so far and leaving a vote :D it's great to know you're enjoying TM!


My stomach grumbles as the scent of bacon wafts over to me. Gavrilo mixes the meat with the scrambled eggs, and it sizzles in the frying pan. I wouldn't have expected him to cook for himself, so the sight is quite surprising, though I'm more occupied with my growing hunger. While Gavrilo knows that I need my morning routine, he never said there wouldn't be any exceptions. Besides, I feel unusually calm. There's no trace of the edge that has me running for miles at times, but I could definitely use some food.

My stomach growls more forcefully, catching Gavrilo's attention. He hums thoughtfully, then fishes a crisp piece of bacon out of the pan. My mouth waters instantly, and I suck at my gum, already anticipating the strong flavour.

"Oh, completely forgot. You're one for early breakfast. Want a treat?" He dangles the meat in front of my face, and I bite down on my lower lip to fight off the urge to snap at him. He's teasing me, and he's having a blast. My eyes are glued to the bacon. He lifts it to his grinning lips, only to nibble at it.

Asshole. I avert my eyes sulkily, feeling stupid at the same time. I want to eat something, and I also want him to feed me. I imagine him pushing the food into my mouth, his fingers brushing past my lips and then lingering so I can suck them clean.

He pets my head with the hand that had been holding the bacon only a moment ago, and I curse him inwardly for depriving me of food. Still, his soft caress is appreciated. My eyes drop shut as I lean into the touch, and Gavrilo turns his eggs one-handedly so he can stay with me. He has to step away when a quiet, bright "ping!" reminds him that his bread rolls are ready, though.

He takes them out of the oven and they smell heavenly. There are four in total, which are definitely too many for him alone, but I think him capable of cooking too much simply to get my hopes up. I catch myself pouting and relax my lips. My stomach rumbles unsettled, almost drowning out the clicking of heels. I flinch, clawing at my own thighs as I become aware of the cum that has formed white crusts on my face and body. My eyes dart around, but since I'm sitting behind the counter, I can't see the room. Gavrilo looks up from his eggs, a smile forming on his lips.

"Didn't you say you were going to treat me to breakfast?" a familiar female voice purs, rich as the reddest wine. My eyes widen in shock, and my pride screams at me to run off. I edge closer to the counter - as if the furniture could hide me.

"As a way of apologizing, yes." Gavrilo laughs lightly, and it's quite charming in a boyish way. "Now you have me as your personal cook, who can say that?"

"You're giving yourself too much credit." She laughs as well, though. The clicking of her heels moving around on the parquet floor is driving me mad, and my ears are burning hot. "Where's your boy toy? Don't tell me you're just going to hide him like the others."

I frown at her words but don't have time to think about them because Gavrilo calls out to me.

"Dog, corner." I glance up to see him wave a hand to the far side of the room, and close my eyes while taking a shaky breath. Whatever. I'm his submissive, and if she thinks I can't still give her a good fuck, well, she's wrong. Just that there is no way I can prove that to her. I grit my teeth as I get onto all fours and crawl into the corner Gavrilo pointed to.

Her sharp intake of breath tells me that she's seen me. I keep my eyes and head down, though the tremble running through my body betrays my heart. I bite down on the insides of my cheeks.

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