33. On Track

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Gavrilo had shoved what felt like a weeks worth of food down my throat and tugged me into bed afterward. We had ended up having entirely vanilla sex, something that he declared he really never does, but he wants to get me a real collar. Now I don't know what the one has to do with the other, but I didn't question it. Instead, I had snuggled up to him while he had spooned me, and so I slept safe and sound like that.

After waking up, I enjoy his warmth for another minute before I ask one of the bodyguards in the corridor for a snippet of paper and a pen. Since Gavrilo is still sleeping soundly, I leave a note, then get ready for my work-out.

'Dear Master Kemp, thank you for last night. I enjoyed every minute. I hope it's alright for me to address you as my master again because I really enjoy that part of our relationship a lot as well. Mike'

I've been neglecting my morning routine lately, so maybe that's why the whole thing has become so unbearable. I doubt it, but it's worth a try. I also call my boss on my way upstairs to tell him about what happened yesterday, and we agree that I should take two days off.

My body is still a bit heavy from the overexertion, but at least I'm fine in pretty much all other ways as long as I ignore my predicament - which I do without shame. I don't have much of a choice anyway, and right now, what's most important is for me to get back on track.

When I finally slip back into Gavrilo's room a good two hours later, he's still fast asleep. I watch him with a smile while I make my way over to my basket, then decide to crawl under the sheets with him again. It's just so much warmer and comfortable and hell, I can be submissive and cuddle at the same time.

He shifts when I lie down beside him, lifting the blanket so I can press my naked body against his. When I put my head on his chest, he kisses it.

"You showered already?"

I hum in agreement. "I left you a note, but you were still asleep when I came back."

"Oh." He lifts his head, then grabs the piece of paper from the nightstand to give it a quick read. I can't see his face, but given that he kisses me again, I guess he's pleased. "You know I'm going to spank you after all that stress yesterday?"

His voice drops, informing me how much he's looking forward to that. I can't deny that I'm feeling the same,  given the way my blood rushes between my legs.

"I'm sorry if I stressed you out, Master Kemp."

He chuckles. "No, you didn't, sweetheart. But hitting that firm ass really helps me loosen up."

The hand resting on my waist travels to my butt to squeeze it, and my hip grinds against him with a will of its own.

"Do you like it when I spank you, sweetheart?"

My first response is to moan because his voice is dripping with raw desire. Besides, hearing him call me by that nickname does things to my heart that make me succumb to him. It's so different from when he calls me by that fake name.

"Yes, Master Kemp."

"Yes, what? Say it."

"I want you to spank me."

He suddenly pulls me across his lap, making me gasp in surprise. His hands are holding me down while he shifts us around until he's sitting on the edge of the bed with my hips on his leg. His fingers trail the outlines of what I can only imagine are the thin wounds the whip has left on me.

"I'm going to hit your little ass until you scream, sweetheart." His hand glides down so he can gently cup my butt cheek. He kneads the firm muscle, and I moan obediently. "Because I'll hit you until you bruise so that everyone who looks at this perfect ass can see it. That you can see it whenever you look at yourself and remember that you are mine, and that means I'm the only one who's ever going to lay hands on you, and you're the only I'm ever going to lay my hands on ever again."

"Yes, Master Kemp. Please spank me," I urge him while panting from arousal. While I know that he's about to seriously hurt me, I can't help but look forward to it because I know what it means to him. He moans, then his hand retreats from my butt only to come down with thunderous force. My eyes widen in surprise at the strength he used, and any sound I might have made dies in my throat.

Only now do I realize what I just signed up for, and the fear sparks my arousal so much that I moan. Still, my fingers are digging into his thighs while I await the next blow. It has me grunt at a very high pitch.

"Tell me if it's too much," he says, but it's clear how much he doesn't want me to stop him. He sounds distracted, and his erection is digging into my stomach.

Three more hits and my nails must have already left deep marks on him. Two more, and I finally scream. He thrusts his hip up at the sound, moaning while he grabs my ass hard. Another two, and I'm mentally begging for it to end.

"I think that's enough." I relax immediately, letting out a deep breath. Thirty-five hits. Thirty-fucking-five. If I hadn't called in sick already, I would've to do so now because I won't be able to walk. Sure, he kept switching sides, but that only means why whole ass is in pain.

"Get on your knees," he orders me, already shoving me off his lap so he can stand up. I curse him mentally while scrambling into position, wincing at the pain that comes from sitting on my heels, then find myself facing his dripping cock. He takes my chin between two fingers and guides me close enough so I can kiss his tip. "You always make me feel better, sweetheart."

Knowing that elicits another moan from me, and after teasing my lips a little more, I'm finally allowed to taste him.


Short chapters equals more chapters which equals more updates :D that might be it for today, though. Let's see how creative I am on my way to/from work today.



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