"Well, my real parents died, so I had live in an orphanage. I was adopted by them at five and the second day I got punched in the face by my so-called mother because I didn't make breakfast. So soon I eventually kept hit every day with random excuses. I would either be hit by a bat, cut through my skin with something sharp, tied up to get burned, or punched until I started bleeding to death."

"What happened to your real parents?"He wiped my tears with his thumbs cupping my cheeks with his hands.

"They were murdered."

"Do you want to stay here for a while? My dad is a lawyer, he could get them in prison so for what they've done to you."I nod.

He wiped my head with the towel softly. "But we need proof."

"I do have some and the police came today because of the shouting they usually do."He gave me a tissue to blow my nose and nodded.

I blew my nose and stare at him as he treats my wounds carefully. My stomach growled and I gulped. I saw him chuckle and he started checking my head for anything. I stare at him and he smiled.

"You didn't have breakfast huh?"I shook my head.

"Now let's go eat breakfast, after cleaning your wounded arm and your head."

"Good morning dear!"Mrs.Creed said smiling and coming into the kitchen like she was excited about something.

She had her hands up in the air like jazz hands while her smile bloomed making her glow. She glowed. See this, shes sparkling in her own sparking house. This doesn't make sense how, how is this possible. I mean look at her eyes, it's glowing.

"Good morning Mrs.Creed."She rolled her eyes and I frown.

"Janet Remember."

"Anyways How come your here today? You don't usually come on Sundays only to study for tests and school is out."She sat next to me and I felt a hug behind me with a head on my head softly.

"Oh, I told her to come around since I missed her. Mom where did you put the Oreos?"Mathew smiled and I blush.

God this is just crazy! I mean I'm feeling this way and I don't want to. My body just feels so warm and so comfortable. Listen, my body doesn't get warm by just a hug nor does it get warm by a heater, I need a blanket for that.

He's my friend obviously and what if our friendship gets ruined because I liked him and he didn't. Wait, he did say he liked me, but am I sure it's that way I think?

The Friend-Zone. Ouch, that hurts.

"I ate them all."He let go of me and his eyes widen holding me like his life depended on it.


"Sorry just needed some sweets. Maybe you should go and buy some yourself next time."He pouted and I rub my eyes tiredly then poke his chin which he looked down at me smiling.

"Oh dear, did Mathew hit you?"She asked me looking at my face, hands, and head which my eyes widen.

She's like touching my face, mostly my cheeks and even my arms. She glared at her son and pulled me away from him like she was afraid he did something. I mean he always does something stupid of course.

What does this remind me of? Oh, that one time in the restaurant! Right, she was so mad for a while. When we got into the car she took me here and baked me cookies. I'm telling you, she just baked me cookies, made me sit in the living room with a blanket and let me watch movies on tv. If I don't know how amazing and loving that was, I don't know what else that was.

It was sweet of her, even though I kept telling her I had to go home. She made me stay at her house the whole night. She wasn't happy with me leaving and Mr.Creed forced me to sleep in the guest room. Well, I'm lucky. Tyler was just talking crap about his Mathew trying to make me laugh. That didn't work.

"Mom! Why are you always blaming me when something happens to her!"He whines and I turned to her who held me closely glaring at her son

"Because every time I see her with you the poor girl is either sick, injured or dying."He coughs and I glared at him.

"It wasn't him,"I whisper and looked down at the floor which was marbled white.

They did look pretty and they did look real glass. Like I could break it with my foot. My thoughts are so weird, I get lost too quickly too. Why am I like this?

"Sally is going to stay here for a while."

"Why? Is something going on at home?"She asked me and I nodded which she smiled hugging me tightly excitedly.

"Sally is in a bit of trouble,"Mathew told her and I sighed in relief.

I mean I do want to tell her, but it's going to be hard and I don't really want to talk about it since I might lose my appetite again. Trust me, it's insane what goes on around that house.

"Of course I don't have a problem with that. Having another lady in the house is just fine by me. We could do so many things together. Like shopping, cooking, watching movies and having like a girls night, do you know what I mean!"I felt warm inside and looked at her with something I never have done in my life.

A smile.

"OMG SHES SMILING LOOK HOW CUTE YOU LOOK."She said pinching my cheeks which I look at Mathew asking him to save me but he just stood there then smirked.

"Mom I look cute when I smile too,"Mathew said a little jealous which I stare at him with my eyebrows up.

He's jealous because I'm getting more affection from his mother more than he is. This has to be a joke. He came closer and pinched my cheeks.

"She's cute."I gulped with my eyes widen as he laughed.

"Leave her alone!"She slapped his arm and held me moving away from him which he pouted.

I actually love this attention all of a sudden.

Edited: 1/4/19

The Bad Boy Tutors The Suicidal Girl | ✓ RewritingWhere stories live. Discover now