Dinner Date Take 2

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11:03 pm Tuesday January 18th

After dinner you and Gavin decided to watch a movie together. He sat upright on the sofa while you lay on your side with your head resting upon his lap.

He had one arm on top of the couches while his other hand lay on your back. The sun had gone down hours ago and the room was nearly pitch black, the only light coming from your tv.

You couldn't help but fall asleep before the movie ended. Everything was just so relaxing. The sound of the rain pelting against the roof, Gavin's hand gently massaging your back,
sleep was irrefutable.

7:30 am Wednesday January 19th

You awoke to the sound of bacon sizzling noisily in the kitchen. You yawned stretching your arms above your head before sitting up on the couch.

You lazily stepped onto your living room floor dragging yourself in the direction of the kitchen.

You rubbed your eyes while you slowly walked towards the dining room table.

"Morning sleepyhead".
Gavin replied warmly as he continued to cook.

"What's all this"?
You asked, eyeballing the food he was cooking up.

"Thought I'd make you breakfast before I leave for work".
He answered.

"You don't have to do all this".
You yawned resting your elbow on the table. 

"I know".
He paused while he switched the stovetop off.

"But I want to".
He flashed a smile at you before placing a few pieces of bacon onto a plate. You couldn't help but blush, Gavin was such a charmer.


"So I was thinking we should have a little do over date".
Gavin suggested while the both of you ate your breakfasts.

"A do over date"?
You paused raising an eyebrow.

"Well remember when I was going to take you out to dinner last week but Jacob kind of messed it up"?
He reminded you while he took a sip of his coffee.

"I remember".
You replied, slowly taking another bite of your food.

"Well this time it won't be ruined. I'll pick you up at 6 tonight".
He winked finishing the last bits of his meal.

"Sounds like a plan".
You gushed as he began to wash the dishes.


8:12 am Wednesday January 19th

Gavin had cleaned up and helped with a few other house chores before leaving for his own home. As independent as you were, you really enjoyed having him take care of you like this.

Of course you didn't really need it and you were fully capable of cooking your own food and doing your own chores but you still admired his company.

The rain that had been pouring non stop had quickly turned into a perfect winter snowfall. You decided to take advantage of the tranquility and light a few candles while relaxing by the fire with one of your favourite books. Everything was so calm and peaceful. You were free from your worries. Well, most of them that is.

The dark and unnerving thoughts of Rachel still occupied a part of your mind but you tried your best to push it aside. She was behind bars now, along with your good old pal Amanda. Funny how karma works out.

It wasn't long before Emmy decided to curl up beside you, her long fluffy tale swaying against your arm as she purred affectionately.

You spent the rest of the day relaxing and trying your best not to worry about your date with Gavin. It seemed like every time you went to eat, something bad happened. First time it was Jacob, then it was Rachel. You prayed that everything would go smoothly tonight.


Eventually you had to get ready for your date. You still had a bandage around your left arm so you opted to wear a burgundy long sleeved body-con dress which covered the bandages up perfectly.

You accessorized with a small pendant necklace and a pair of crystal earrings. You straightened your hair and did your makeup as usual not wanting to go too heavy.

You applied some concealer on your neck attempting to hide the everlasting hickeys Gavin had given you. It worked for the most part. Hopefully no one would notice.

6:00 pm Wednesday January 19th

You ran to the door when you heard Gavin knock. You were so excited you could barely contain yourself.

He gaped as you opened your front door.

"You look gorgeous".
He blushed holding his hand out to walk you to the car.

"Thanks, you look great as well".
You stammered as he opened the car door for you. He was wearing a white 3/4 sleeve button up with a pair of navy blue dress pants and a light brown belt. To say he looked great was an understatement.

"I try".
He joked as he started up the car.

You tried not to drool as you admired his formal wear. You weren't used to seeing him all dressed up like this. Usually he wore casual t-shirts almost always wearing his reddish brown jacket overtop.

Of course you thought he looked handsome either way, but this get up gave him more of a classy businessman style which you hated to admit was a bit of a turn on.


Gavin took you to a beautiful little Italian restaurant across town. He had reserved a small table near the quieter side of the restaurant which set an extremely romantic mood.

"This place is beautiful"!
You smiled admiring the restaurant atmosphere.

"I know, my dads friends with the owner so we used to go here all the time when I was a kid".
He announced as the both of you took a seat at the table.

The dinner was marvellous. The food was delicious, the atmosphere was warm, everything about it was unbelievably fabulous.

The night continued to get better as Gavin came home with you. He spent the night with you in your bed with his arm delicately wrapped around your body as you dozed off. You'd give anything to stay in this moment forever. Anything.

A/N: So, this stories going to have to end at some point but I want to hear suggestions from all of you before I wrap this book up. Leave some suggestions on what you want to see in this story before it comes to an end. If I like the idea I'll use it! Thanks everyone and I'd also love to hear any feedback you have! Positive, negative, constructive, just go for it! Also after this book ends I'm going to start working on my Gavin X Reader one shots so stay tuned for that!

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