Hold On

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"Y/N, hold on, please".
You heard Gavin crying as he squeezed your hand tightly. You were on a stretcher lying in the back of an ambulance. You were going in and out of consciousness unable to speak.
All you could hear was Gavin bawling beside you.

"Please hold on Y/N".
He whimpered.
"I love you".
He weeped as your eyes began to close.



You slowly awoke to the sound of a heart monitor steadily beeping beside you. You uncomfortably shifted in the bed feeling the soreness throughout your body. You saw Gavin slumped over in a large armchair beside your bed.

You heard his voice call out suddenly as soon as he noticed you were awake.

You asked as he ran over to you placing his hand on your cheek.

"God I'm so happy you're okay".
He whimpered softly caressing your cheek with his thumb.

"I'm happy too".
You grinned rubbing your eyes with your sore hands.

"I'm so happy you found me".
You smiled as he carefully tucked your hair behind your ear.

"I'm glad we found you too".
He laughed through tears as he planted a soft kiss on your cheek.

"The doctor says you're healing fast, you'll probably be out of here tonight".
He reassured. You were glad you'd be out soon, you didn't want to be stuck in the hospital,
you just wanted to go home.

"Wait, what day is it"?
You inquired.

"Tuesday January 18th, you were gone since early Sunday morning".
He responded.

"Holy shit".
You gaped. It had only been 2 days but it felt like an eternity.

"How'd you even find me"?
You quickly cut in.

He sighed signifying that there was going to be a long story ahead.

"I noticed you were gone as soon as I woke up".
He began cautiously.

"So I let Hank and Connor know and we decided to check the security cameras which were suspiciously all cut off between 2 and 4 am".
He announced.

"But, Rachel missed one camera in the parking garage which clearly showed her opening up a suitcase with you inside".
He explained but you couldn't remember anything of the sort.

"That's when she drugged you".
He exhaled slowly, clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"Once we knew you had been kidnapped, we contacted Fowler who activated the audio recording device on your ring which we hoped you still had on".
He declared pointing to the fake wedding ring on your finger.

"This records audio"?
Your jaw dropped as you examined the small stone.

He replied as panic overtook your body.

"Just to be clear, it only started recording once you contacted Fowler"?
You froze up praying it hadn't recorded anything from the previous nights you had spent with Gavin.

"Yeah, don't worry".
He chuckled noticing how terrified you looked.

"It also has a built in tracker which unfortunately, can only be activated manually".
He shrugged while you continued to examine it.

"You know, Connor told you it was bugged on the way to the hotel".
Gavin stated.

What? Connor never told me that?

"Oh, yeah I forgot".
You lied quickly remembering why you never heard Connor. You were so captivated by Gavin and your little plan at the time, you were completely lost in thought.

"Once we had access to your live audio feed, Connor analyzed the sounds and noticed you were on some sort of plane but, we didn't know where you were headed. Once you landed, we heard Rachel say you were in Detroit".
He frowned placing his hand on yours.

"We flew back as soon as we knew where you were".
He smiled sending butterflies to your stomach. You couldn't believe you ever doubted him. Rachel had really gotten into your head.

"Once we landed in Detroit, we checked airport security cameras. Rachel and Noah were seen stealing the a van you were transported in and since they were flying Amanda's private jet, they didn't have to go through any security lines".
He exhaled slowly.

"We notified every precinct in the area to keep a look out for the van but no one saw anything".
He continued while you listened intently.

"We first checked Rachels house and then yours but we came to a dead end. We then checked your credit card bills which ultimately led us to multiple stores with nothing except security footage of Rachel going on a shopping spree".
He rolled his eyes as a wide smile appeared on your face. Rachel was a complete idiot. She thought she could get away with it but oh was she wrong.

"Connor spent all night analyzing the audio from when you arrived at the house".
He explained.

"He eventually singled out the very distinct  sound of a machine in the background. A machine that was only operating in 1 specific part of town".
As Gavin continued to talk, you began to feel happier and happier. You were so glad they had found you, what would you have done without them?

"Connor was able to pinpoint exactly how far away you were from the machine giving us a rather large search radius".
He paused.

"We then searched the area finally locating the stolen van outside an abandoned house where you were kept".
He concluded awkwardly releasing your hand from his.

"I was worried we'd never find you".
He sniffled, hastily wiping a tear out of his eye.

"Oh Gavin".
You cried as you slowly tried to sit upright on your bed.

"I love you so much".
You whimpered as he delicately hugged you. The breathtaking feeling of his arms around you send chills through your body. You missed him so much.

You voiced finally breaking from the hug.

"Amanda Sanders".
Your voice trailed off as Gavin cut in.

"She's currently being apprehended, we had her voice in the recordings loud and clear, she's going to jail".
He grinned as your sadness was replaced with joy.

"What about Rachel and Noah"?
You asked hoping they had also been caught.

"They're being interrogated as we speak, but since we have them on recording, they're most likely going to jail".
He reassured. You were so happy they were finally getting what they deserved. Those psychos were going to pay.

"We've also linked Rachel, Noah and Amanda to countless other crimes, they're all facing life sentences".
Gavin added gleefully.

"Oh thank god "!
You breathed feeling a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders.

"Rachel also snitched on Todd, the dealer who sold them the illegal drugs. We haven't got him yet but we're on the look out".
Gavin sighed. It sucked that they never caught him but he was the least of your worries. As long as Amanda, Rachel and Noah were behind bars, you could rest easy. Wrest

A/N: By the way, Todd is Todd Williams from the game (the drug dealing thot that abused Alice and Kara)

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