Guess Who

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10:48 am

You and Gavin walked down to the restaurant you attempted to eat at yesterday morning. You hoped you'd actually be able to stay here this time.

The small talk was minimal until you and Gavin ordered. Awkward silence filled the table until Gavin spoke up.

"So, did you always want to be a police officer slash report writer"?
Gavin asked taking a sip of his water.

"Not always".
You slouched onto the table running your fingers over the condensation on your cup.

"I wanted to be a journalist and I was, but only for a few years".
You added as the condensation slowly melted onto the table.

"Why'd you quit"?
He asked placing his cup back down.

"I just couldn't take the pressure. I was stressed 24/7 and the job just wasn't as great as I thought it was going to be".
You admitted.

Stress was something you just couldn't avoid with journalism. Dead lines and due dates haunted your nightmares filling you with worry and self doubt. The anxiety was unbearable, you just couldn't take it.

"Fuck, I can imagine".
He laughed slightly. It's not like he had an easy job either, Fowler always had him on his toes throwing him into missions with little to no notice. Much like the one you were on right now.

"So why'd you become a cop"?
He asked, leaning onto the table. The word 'cop' caught you off guard. Your job at the DPD was a report writer, only because you were desperate for a job and that was the only position open. You were in fact, a fully trained officer but Fowler didn't need any more recruits at the time so you took what was there.

Fowler obviously knew about your past employment at the station across town, no wonder he let you go on so many outside missions. Maybe he'd let you be a cop and a report writer? You sure hoped so. Being a cop meant more missions with Gavin and that's something you looked forward to.

"I joined the police force because my dad was an officer, he retired last year".
You responded.

"He didn't work at the DPD did he"?
Gavin raised an eyebrow.

"No, he was actually an officer in Flint, that's where I started my training".
You replied. You were happy you moved away from Flint. Once your journalism career flopped you thought you needed a change.

"Oh, why the sudden move to Detroit"?
He questioned curiously.

"I just wanted a change".
You smiled.

"I moved out here about 5 years ago and continued to work at a station across town for a bit until me and Jacob split. That's when I decided to move to my current house".
You frowned. The thought of Jacob still made you sick. He was such an idiot, why did you ever fall for him?

"Wow, I never knew that about you".
Gavin stared at you in amazement. It was weird to think you had just met him under 2 weeks ago, could it really be love at first sight?

"What did you do after you graduated"?
He asked.

"Well, I got a bachelors degree in journalism and continued to advance my career until I was 28".
You explained while Gavin leaned in closer, clearly intrigued by your past.

"Once I quit, I decided to talk to my dad and he suggested joining the police force since there were plenty of jobs available".
You added sheepishly.

"I'm glad you did".
He smiled warmly sending butterflies through your stomach.

"I'm glad I did too".
You blushed.

"So what were your plans after you graduated".
You grinned resting your arm on the table.

"I always wanted to be a doctor but, y'know".
Gavin shrugged. It was hard to imagine Gavin in the medical field, you wondered how efficient his work would be with an attitude like his.

"I thought being a detective was pretty cool so I kinda just went for it".
He laughed shyly.

You technically weren't a detective yet since Fowler hadn't officially promoted you. But you assumed that after this mission you'd receive some sort of praise from the captain, perhaps you'd earn the title.

"So how long have you been in the force for"?
You tilted your head, eagerly awaiting his response.

"I decided to join when I was 26. I was a roofer and an electrician for like 7 years until androids took that away from me too. So I figured I'd join the police force, they were desperate for new recruits at the time".

He informed you. He lost so many jobs to androids, no wonder he was so intimidated by Connor. He'd been working there for awhile, 10 years actually. He had rightfully earned his defective title and he wasn't going to let some piece of plastic take that away from him.

You chuckled taking a sip of your water.

"Yeah, I guess I have an-".
Gavin stopped talking and his face went completely blank.

"Oh my fucking god".
He mumbled under his breath staring at someone behind you.

You whispered turning your head to see what he was looking at.

"Don't look"!
Gavin snapped bringing your attention back to him.

"What are you talking about"?
You whispered desperately wanting to look again.

"Just don't bring any attention to yourself".
Gavin gulped nervously darting his eyes away from whomever was behind you.

"What? Why? Are you okay"?
You panicked as Gavin's face went pale. He was fiddling with his fingers anxiously trying to lay low.

"Just act normal for a second, okay"?
He looked up at you.

"I am acting normal, you're the one who's freaking out for no reason".
You laughed and Gavin shushed you.

"I'll explain it all to you later, please just play along".
He retorted giving you a stern look.

"Okay, fine I guess"?
You responded nervously.

"Fuck, why is she here".
He mumbled under his breath once again.

"Who's here"?
You asked him, clearly frustrated.

"Is that Gavin Reed I see"?
A gorgeous blonde girl wearing a tight pink dress sauntered up to your table. A male android accompanied her holding her hand as she intimidated Gavin.

"Hey Rachel"
Gavin croaked nervously.

A/N: sorry I took so long to get this chapter out, it took a really really long time to write because I wanted to make sure both characters backstories matched up with the rest of the story. If you happen to see any mistakes or faults in the timeline,  please comment or personally message me, I wanna make sure this story is as accurate as possible! Thanks everyone!! 💖💖

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