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11:32 am Tuesday January 18th

"Hey, sorry I've got to get going, Fowler needs me for the interrogation, I'll be back to pick you up later".
He walked back into your room after he had left to take a phone call.

"Okay, and you don't have to come pick me up, I'll be fine".
You advised but Gavin persisted.

"I insist".
He bowed jokingly.

"Okay okay fine".
You laughed rolling your eyes.

"Don't cause to much trouble while I'm gone".
He teased while planting a delicate kiss on your forehead.

"I can't make an promises".
You chuckled as he briskly walked out of the  room.


You spent the majority of the day getting some well deserved rest while Gavin continued his interrogation with Rachel and Noah.

Connor and Hank briefly visited you on their  lunch break delivering you flowers and a get well soon card that the whole office had signed.
It was truly heartwarming. Soon after Hank and Connor left, you received a text from Gavin.

We got all 3 of them to break. Amanda had a lawyer but she still confessed like a little bitch

You couldn't help but laugh, Gavin always made you smile.

Holy shit that's awesome!!

You quickly texted back.

Hell yeah, also, Fowler wanted me to let you know that he's giving you the next 4 days off to recover

He responded. That was a relief. Your whole body was sore and everything hurt like hell. You were so glad you had the next few days to relax.

Thank god, I can hardly move! Tell him I say thanks :)

You texted him back with a smile on your face. You couldn't wait to be home.


7:00 pm Tuesday January 18th

Gavin greeted you in the waiting area of the hospital once you were finally able to leave.

"Hey, how are you feeling".
He asked, gingerly grabbing ahold of your hand.

"I'm fine, just a bit sore".
You sighed as he lead you out into the parking lot.

"Well hopefully the next 4 days will do you some good".
He reassured as he opened the passenger side door of his car.

"I sure hope so".
You shrugged as he helped you buckle your seatbelt.

The drive home was rather quiet but it wasn't awkward. It was quite nice actually. Gavin had put on a playlist containing old 2000's music which the 2 of you listened to in silence reminiscing on your childhood.

During the drive it started to rain. The rain started off as a light shower but quickly manifested into quite the storm.

"Fuck it's raining hard".
Gavin stated as he pulled into your driveway.

He threw off his jacket and handed it to you.

What a man

You smiled warmly as you stepped out into the pouring rain with his coat draped over your shoulders.

"Come on"!
You laughed as the 2 of you sprinted to your front door. Once inside, you were greeted by a rather excited cat whom your neighbour had been taking care of for the last few days.

You squealed hanging Gavin's jacket up on the coat rack as he shut the door behind you.

"Ooh baby I missed you"!
You giggled bending down and stroking her soft fur.

"Looks like she missed you too".
Gavin snickered watching you and Emmy reunite.

"Hey, I have your suitcases in the trunk of my car, I'll go grab them".
Gavin retrieved his coat off the rack and quickly went out to grab your bags.

While he was gone, you flicked on your electric fireplace feeling the warmth against your cold skin. You rubbed your hands together as the the heat expeditiously engulfed your body. Damn it felt good to be home.

You heard the front door swing open from behind you as Gavin trampled in caring your suitcases.

"Holy fuck is it raining".
He laughed ruffling his hands through his wet hair.

"Yeah, it's sure coming down out there".
You replied peering out your front window watching the rain hammer against the glass.

"Hey, uh".
You looked away from the window nervously as you scratched the back of your neck.

"If you wanna like stay for a bit you're more than welcome".
You half smiled tucking your hair behind your ear.

"Yeah totally".
He beamed hanging his coat back on the rack.

"Here, why don't I make us something to eat".
He offered, happily trotting into to the kitchen.

"Good idea, I'm gonna go get myself cleaned up".
You brushed your hair out of your face as you walked past the kitchen and into the bathroom closing the door behind you.


Hot steam filled the bathroom as you rinsed shampoo out of your hair. You scrubbed at your skin carefully trying to avoid the many bruises that covered your body. After all that had happened, it felt so nice to finally relax and wind down. A hot shower was the perfect way to wash the day away.

After your shower, you changed into some comfy pajamas paring them with a pair of brightly coloured fuzzy socks.

You exited the bathroom and walked into the kitchen to see Gavin stirring a small pot of sauce while a pot of pasta boiled beside it.

"Smells awesome, whatcha making"?
You leaned your elbows onto the kitchen counter while he continued to stir the pot.

"Just some simple spaghetti, nothing too fancy".
He shrugged as you walked up to him wrapping your arms around his waist hugging him from behind.

You stood on your toes kissing him on the back of his neck.

"It's the least I could do".
He spun around placing one hand on your waist and the other underneath your chin.

"I love you".
You smiled foolishly and he tilted your chin up with his thumb.

"I love you too".
He pulled you in tight locking his lips with yours.

Your heart nearly exploded it was beating so fast. It felt like fireworks were bursting inside of you! You had been to hell and back and  Gavin was here to comfort you.

The more time you spent with him the more in love you fell. Words couldn't quite explain how you were feeling, this wasn't some typical relationship, it was more than that.

You had never felt such a connection with someone before, no guy you had ever dated made you feel like this.

Nothing in this world could ever top the way Gavin made you feel. His smile, his jokes, his goofy laugh, he was perfect.

But best of all, he made you feel special. He made you feel wanted. For the first time in forever you felt like you actually mattered, like you were truly needed in this world.

You had lived your entire life always believing you'd never find the right guy or you'd never truly experience real love. But here, in this moment, in this time, you knew you had found it.

A/N: This is so soft uwu

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