Locked in

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A/N: there's going to be a lot of smut in this chapter! Just a warning!!

"Gavin look, I'm sorry"!
You called out following him into the break room.

"You're sorry? Really"?
Gavin looked at you filled with rage. His hands were clenched in fists and his face was turning red.

How could you have been so stupid, it was your own fault you were stuck in the station for god knows how long with your partner who looked about ready to kill you.

"It was my mistake okay? I didn't look outside,
I should have listened to them".
You stuttered staring at the ground.

"Listened to who"?
He tilted his head and placed his hands on his hips.

"They all tried to warn me".
You breathed trying to escape his harsh gaze.

"So you're telling me we could've been out of this mess if you were to just, I dunno, listen"?
His cold eyes met with yours causing your heart to skip a beat.

"I, I".
You couldn't think of another apology, he was clearly angry at you, no words could make this situation better.

"Sorry won't cut it this time".
He turned around furiously while he put on a pot of coffee.

You suddenly felt anger corse through your veins. It's not like this was your entire fault, he was the one who fell asleep.

"Well maybe if you didn't fall asleep".

"Don't try to act like the fucking victim".
He cut you off, his voice boomed through the break room causing you to flinch slightly.
You exhaled slowly trying to think of a comeback.

"Bitches like you always think you can get out of situations like this because you're pretty".
He grabbed a paper coffee cup from the cupboard while the machine whirred quietly.

"Don't call me that or I'll".
You managed to speak up But you didn't know how to finish it off. Your brain wasn't functioning properly, something about him messed with your head.

"Or you'll what, sweetheart".
He put down the cup and walked up to you as you pressed yourself up against the wall afraid of his next move.

"Or I'll".
You stuttered but you couldn't speak, you watched his anger suddenly disappear, a new emotion spread across his face like a wildfire. He looked down at you hungrily sending chills down your spine.

You just stared at him like an idiot, slowly cooling yourself down.

Fuck he's so hot like this

His arm wrapped slowly around your waist as the other one pressed up against the wall above you.

"You know, you're super hot when you're flustered".
He smirked as his lips locked onto yours.

You felt your heart beat faster and faster, it felt like it was about to burst out of your chest. Your hands instinctively wrapped around his neck pulling him deeper and deeper into the kiss.

His hand casually trailed down your waist as he firmly grabbed your ass.

You pulled back slightly as he continued to kiss down your neck.

"Not here"!
You tried to rebel but your body felt like mush. You felt overpowered and defenceless, Gavin was in control of you now.

"Why? There's no one else around".
He grinned smugly bringing you in closer to him. He was right, the 2 of you were completely alone. You could do anything you wanted and no one would know.

His kisses gradually made their ways farther down your neck, a small moan escaping your mouth as he bit at your skin slightly. He hurriedly pulled of your shirt smiling at what he saw underneath.

Was all he managed to say while he ran his fingers through your hair.

"Let's find somewhere a little more,
He grabbed your hand as you followed him obediently towards the medial room which contained a large bed, perfect for 2.

He gently pushed you on to it straddling himself on top of you as he threw off his jacket and shirt.

"Oh Gavin".
You moaned as he slipped off your pants with ease.

"I've been thinking".
You looked deeply into his grey eyes watching him as he licked his lips hungrily pulling off your bra.

"What have you been thinking about".
He grinned while removing his pants. His kisses inched lower and lower down your body, past your stomach until his lips met the edge of your underwear which he promptly pulled off with his teeth.

"lets be much more than just partners".
You groaned while he gazed upon your naked body admiring your submissive nature.

"I'd love that".
He responded quickly as removed his boxers watching you stare in awe. You were so ready for this. You were so ready for him.

Holy shit this is really happening

"Is this okay"?
He asked you and you nodded in agreement ready for everything he was about to do.
You felt so weak in his presence, completely soft and fragile. He was on top of you the whole time, dominating your body as you moaned his name softly.

You didn't care about anything else in the world right now, not work, not friends, not Jacob. You could only think of Gavin who was currently stimulating you like no one else had before.

He was amazing, it all was amazing. You felt like you were losing your mind, it felt good,
so fucking good. Your lips trembled with satisfaction feeling his hands trace every inch of your skin. The feeling of his soft lips against your body drove you wild.

You laid there helpless, his hands intertwined with yours.
You moaned louder and louder as he pushed faster and harder into you.

"I want you to".
You groaned.

"Want me to what"?
He asked breathing heavily.

"I want to to fuck me".
You moaned harder squeezing his hands tightly.

"Anything for you princess".
He smirked going even harder into you.

You whimpered quietly indulging this perfect moment. You were indefensible, but you felt safe in his presence. He was in control of you, thrusting into you so hard that it hurt. The pain was pleasurable, you loved ever second of it.

Just partners // Gavin Reed x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now