She jumped down from the ledge, landing easily as Clarke began to talk.

'Lincoln said the scouts would be the first to arrive,' The girl looked to Finn.

'If it's just scouts, we can fight our way out,' Octavia strode forward; 'That's what Lincoln would do.'

'We're done doing what that grounder would do,' Bellamy stated firmly as he jumped down beside Byrd; 'We tried it and now Drew is dead. You want to be next?'

'That grounder saved our lives,' Finn chimed; 'I agree with Octavia. For all we know, there's one scout out there.'

'One scout with insanely good aim,' Jasper added nervously.

'Clarke, we can still do this,' Octavia looked up.

'Looking to you, Princess. What's it gonna be? Run and get picked off out in the open, or stand and fight back?' Bellamy queried.

The blonde looked over all of them before looking out at the forest, remaining silent. She jumped down from the ledge after turning back, Finn catching her arm as she went to walk away. Byrd rolled her eyes, lowering her weapon to point at the ground before passing it off to a boy to her right; gripping her knives instead.

'Clarke,' Finn muttered; 'If we're still here when Tristan gets here-'

'Lincoln said scouts. More than one. He said, get home before the scouts arrive. Finn, they're already here,' Clarke replied lowly before turning to Bellamy; 'Looks like you've got your fight.'

'Ok, then,' The boy called; 'This is what we've been preparing for. Kill them before they kill us. Gunners, to your posts. Use the tunnels to get in and out. From now on, the gate stays closed.'

Byrd watched as Finn ran his hands through his hair, every ounce of him against the idea of killing. The group around them moved quickly, racing to get to their posts and through the tunnels.

'Tav, you coming?' The girl called as she twisting her knives around.

Octavia nodded as she grabbed a large knife, striding toward her before her brother grabbed her arm.

'Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're not a gunner,' He stated.

'No, I'm not. Like you said,' She held up her knife; 'I'm a grounder.'

Bellamy looked shocked as he nodded, letting his sister run off with one of the more troublesome delinquents. She lead the group through the tunnels, making it out of the other side with ease.

'All right, let's get to those foxholes,' Miller called.

Byrd shook her head, motioning for Octavia to follow her; clambering up a tree. But the Blake girl hesitated, shaking her head before she followed after the others.

'All foxholes, listen up,' She heard faintly; 'Keep your eyes and ears open. Inflict casualties, as many as possible. You can hold them off long enough to make them turn back. That's the plan.'

She smirked, 'Yes, chancellor.'

She laid along the tree branch, looking down at the dark ground below. It wasn't long before she heard chatter coming through the radios, gunshots echoing through the air. Shadows raced around the ground beneath her, a smirk growing on her lips; they were playing with them like dummies. She pushed herself up to stand on the branch, searching for more grounders.

That was when the yells sounded, a large group of grounders charging the foxhole. Byrd stood still, waiting for the right moment to jump down and kill; listening to the yells of the men below. With a shrug, she jumped down, flinging her knives out either side of her; slitting the throats of two grounders. She spun around, ducking under a knife and jabbing one into a stomach. She looked over her shoulder when she heard a yell, before her own yell sounded; a burning pain searing through her stomach.

Guiltless Sin || John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now