Epilogue 2: Extra Extra Cheese

Start from the beginning


"You look extra fine today", Leo said smirking at me, "Oh wait you do everyday and so effortlessly".

"I have to say the same about you", I said kissing him on the cheek.

He kissed me on my forehead,"I can't believe we have been married for a year. Time goes by so fast. This has been the best year of my life. Thank you for coming to my life".

I had tears in my eyes. Sometimes he can say the cutest things and I felt like writing those things down, "All thanks to that last slice of pizza", I winked at him.

"And that kiss- damn that kiss. You know what I need to recreate that moment", with that he kissed me on my lips. I kissed him back with equal fervor. We broke apart only to catch our breaths. Hailey was helping me with dinner.I am surprised she didn't come to the kitchen to take the casseroles out.  For celebrating our anniversary we decided to invite our friends. Leo promised to take me out for dinner tomorrow but today we were celebrating with our friends.

Before we get distracted I needed to give him the news- "Leo I have something to say".

"What baby? You have been looking really down these days. And I don't like it when you are sad", He had a concerned look on his face.

All of a sudden I was a getting all nervous, I was fumbling with the hem of my skirt,"I- I am".

"WHAT ARE YOU GUY DOING HERE? I AM HUNGRY CAN WE START EATING ALREADY", Derek cried out from outside. Behind I could see Hailey had a disapproved look on his face.

"You can't go without interrupting Leo and Emma, can't you?" George said enough for me to hear.

"What did you say?" Josh asked.

"Oh nothing", George said.

We were all sitting in front of the TV watching 'Veronica'. It was a horror movie but really it wasn't scary at all, even George was okay with it although he hated horror movies. We were all eating dinner on sofa. Leo cooked some pasta and soft tacos. George and Sebastian bought some brownies while Derek and Hailey got us some chips and salsa which we finished earlier.

"Where is Aaron?" Josh asked. Josh was Aaron's favorite. Josh lived in New York with his girlfriend while we all lived here in Florida, Josh would drop by every month since Aaron misses him so much.

"I put him to sleep. He got tired after playing with Scout". Scout was Derek and Hailey's Golden Retriever who often visits us. We keep supplies like dog food and bowls ready for him.

"Aww I wanted to meet him today. I will be going away this weekend", Josh said pouting.

"Don't worry you can visit us tomorrow morning or any time before you leave", Sebastian said.

"Yes but I thought you guys are going to the conference for the weekend", Sebastian and George worked as an accountant at a firm and they often had to go overseas for conferences. Aaron would stay with either Hailey or us then.

"Oh right I forgot about it. Maybe this time you could take care of him while we are away", George suggested.

"Really?" Josh's eyes lit up with Joy.

"Yes. Before leaving you could drop him off at Hailey's house", George said.

"Hey I thought I get to keep Aaron since Hailey had him last time", I said.

"You have spoiled Aaron too much. All he wants is pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner", Sebastian said shaking his head in disapproval. Everyone laughed.

"See I am the better aunt", Hailey said proudly.

"Babe you are always playing him. I am the one who has to drag you guys to the bed when its time to sleep. It's like I am raising two kids", Derek pointed out. We laughed even harder.

"You didn't have to tell that!" Hailey cried out.

Josh got us wine from New York. He poured us all some. We all clinked our glasses. I was about to drink to it totally forgetting about my pregnancy- when George and Hailey screamed on top of their lungs, "STOP!"

"Are you out of your mind?" Hailey chided me.

"You can't drink that!" George said.

Sebastian, Josh, Derek and Leo were all staring at me in unison. "Why can't Emma drink wine?" Leo asked quirking an eyebrow at us.

"Because I am pregnant".

Leo blinked his eyes at me, everyone was quiet for a moment. "We're - we' re going to have a b-baby?"

"Yes. I know its not the best time  and we didn't plan this and its going to be expensive with the loan we have to repay but-".

Leo interrupted me he was staring at me like a little kid who got his favorite ice-cream, "No you just gave me the best gift ever- I- I am going to be a father? I still can't believe it. I don't care how expensive it is. I will work ten jobs if I have to- I just can't believe that I am going to be a father. Is this real? "

I nodded my head,  he started laughing, "I am going to be a father. Derek- I am going to be a father", he hugged me tight. He let me go only to kiss me. That kiss lasted for a long time, I could feel him smile against my lips. I had tears in my eyes. I didn't expect this reaction for him. He was so happy, all of a sudden those worries didn't matter anymore. Everything will be alright.

Everyone congratulated us. "So are you telling me you guys finally boinked?" Josh asked me with a teasing tone.

Hailey started laughing, "Remember when Em used to call sex boinking? AHAHAHAHHA!"

I was blushing, "I don't anymore!"

"Dibs on naming the baby!" Derek said. "Can we name him Lemma, you know Leo plus Emma, after the mathematical theorem 'The Lemma Theorem' which is also called 'The Helping Theorem'".

"What?" we all said in unison.

"Remind me not to let you name our future child", Hailey said.

"No I know the perfect name- Margherita", I suggested.

"You mean the pizza- marghertia?" Sebastian asked.

"As much as I love your obsession with pizzas, I am sorry babe but I won't let you name my kid after a pizza".

"In my opinion its a cool name!" I defended.

"No it isn't", Derek said.

"It is!" 


The End.

Yes double pizza gif! There will be no sequel to "The Pizza Girl" however I was wondering if you guys want a spin off with Josh

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Yes double pizza gif! There will be no sequel to "The Pizza Girl" however I was wondering if you guys want a spin off with Josh. Let me know in the comments. Also I won't be able to write it any time soon as I am super busy with college but I will try my best.

After almost two years I have finished this book. I can't thank you guys enough for all the love and support that I got from you all. I know life can be hard but I hope that after reading this book it has made you feel a little better. I love making people laugh (not very good at it I know but I try) and I hope I have delivered that through this book.

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