42: Chili Flakes

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42: Chili Flakes

His skin looked pale under the sunlight. You could see the little freckles on his cheeks. It was adorable, I always found them adorable.

The heart monitor beeping in the background was making me anxious. I hope nothing happens to him. I prayed for his quick recovery.

"You shouldn't have pulled on the tubes connected to your arms like that", Hailey said looking at my arm disapprovingly. I kind of lost it after hearing that Leo has been shot and he's admitted here. So I tried taking off my IV to rush to him which left bruises on my wrist.

"Tell me, how did he get shot?" I asked wiping the tears off my eyes.

"After you told him to leave, he drove to Josh's place. Andrew got one of his friends to keep an eye on him. Leo was inside Josh's house but then Leo got out of the house as he needed to calm himself down. That's when Andrew's friend shot him. He was arrested a few hours ago along with Andrew".

I couldn't hold it anymore. I started crying. I knew crying in front of him wasn't a good idea but I just couldn't help myself. "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have- I will hate myself for this all my life. I am so sorry Leo- I should have listened to you. I should have- I should have trusted you".

"You need to remember you are injured too. You need to rest and lying beside Leo isn't resting. Lie down", Hailey instructed me. I wanted to be with Leo the whole time but the doctor instructed me to lie down since my back was still not okay but I couldn't care less.So Hailey brought me back to my room.

"Could you get me a glass of water?"

"Looks like we ran out of water", Hailey said seeing the empty water bottle on the table. "Let me fetch you some. I want to see you here after I come back. Don't go running to Leo. I promise you he'll be fine. You need to think abut yourself too".

"Okay mom", I teased.

"Yes I am your mom. Deal with it", she said. "Also I just realized you need to eat something. Let me get something for you".

After she left, I decided to check my phone to get myself distracted. I couldn't help but think of Leo. All the guilt was killing me from inside.

I opened to see a text from an unknown number which was sent to me yesterday evening before the incident occurred.

Its really not what you think it is. I am really sorry for that. If you give me a chance I can explain you everything. Let's meet tomorrow, please. Its kind of urgent so I hope you don't turn me down. -Jules

There was a brief knock on the door I looked up to see Jules standing at the doorway. She was holding a flower bouquet. Also, Hailey was behind Jules, she was still carrying the empty bottle. I guess she decided to come back to the room after seeing Jules.

Jules sat on the chair just beside my bed. There was a awkward silence between us and not to mention Hailey was eyeing Jules like she was trying to shoot laser beams through her eyes at Jules.

"I got you these flowers", Jules said smiling at me before she could give them to me, Hailey took it away from her.

"I will take these, thank you", I shot her a glare which portrayed why-the-hell-are-you-acting-like-this. "Hey I still don't trust her, okay? These might be covered with poison. I need to check them before giving it to you".

I appreciated Hailey's candidness but in situations like these I wanted to tape her mouth. "I'll leave you two alone while I check these".

"Seriously Hailey? That's-",before I could scold her for being so mean- Jules interrupted.

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