Chapter 30: Every Kind Of Way

Start from the beginning

I brought my hand to her cheek, which she pressed against as she closed her eyes. With a soft smile, I murmured, "I know baby. I only did it because I was hurt too."

"You are mine," she said desperately, still pressing her cheek against my hand as her eyes slid open, "You can't go back to her. I won't let you."

Giving her an amused smile, I replied, "Only if I can have you as well."

I watched as she smiled before leaning back into my lips, murmuring, "I've been yours."

I lost myself in her all over again, feeling the way her fingers slid back to my hair, her fingertips running against my scalp. I pressed against her, loving the feel of her chest against mine as she slowly worked her tongue into my mouth. She explored, running her tongue against mine for a moment before she flicked against the roof of my mouth and pulled away to breathe.

I was back at her neck, sucking, kissing, licking, and nipping at every inch of it. Some spots I sucked longer than others, hoping to mark her as mine for the world to see. The whole time she whimpered, squirming every time I bit too hard. "Ow, Camz," she whispered right into my ear, which I then kissed the spot before pulling to her ear and mumbling my apologies. I was willing to say sorry as much as I needed, because I wasn't holding back. Not tonight.

It wasn't long before she started to breathe hard, pressing her cheek against me as she nuzzled and moved to suck on my ear. I shivered, but kept focusing on her skin, too addicted at each reaction to pull away. She let me entertain myself, scratching at my neck and chest as I did. Then, subtly, she began to move her hips against mine.

I noticed as soon as she started, no matter how gentle she began. I accommodated her needs immediately, shifting to give her room and grabbing her hips, wanting to feel how she moved against me. A whine escaped as she attempted to control herself to stop moving, but I wouldn't let her. Moving to her ear, I sucked and tugged before mumbling, "I'm here for you, Lo."

I kept at her ear, nuzzling into her neck as I sucked her skin softly, allowing her to move at her own pace. No matter how agonizingly slow it was, I didn't rush her; I wanted her to enjoy herself as much as possible. As the first hitch reached my ears, though, I gripped her hips harder and moved her slightly faster. With a whimper, she leaned more heavily against me, trusting me to support her as she obeyed my commanding hands.

Soon she was rocking into me, digging her nails into my shoulders before dragging them down and stinging me in the process. I winced at the pain, but refused to allow any noise escape. Instead I encouraged her by rubbing her hips, dragging her shirt all the way up before I finally decided to pull away and tug it off. She allowed me too, and the moment her skin was visible, I leaned back in and nipped at her chest. Her bra was still on, and even though I wanted to rip it off, I didn't want to rush her into anything she wasn't too comfortable with, so I allowed it to stay on as I nipped and licked around it.

The skin I could reach was good enough. I used what I could to the fullest, dragging my tongue down between her breasts as she continued to work her hips against me. She stopped rocking her whole body though. Just enough to allow me to explore her skin. She went back to only moving her lower half, grinding into me slowly as I sucked at what I could.

I must have been a bit savage and whining when I couldn't get to the parts I wanted to reach, because there was a small smile on her lips as she pulled her chest away from me. She looked amused at how disappointed I turned. Then, with a sexy little smirk, she reached behind her and un-clipped her bra, letting it fall before brushing it away and pulling me back into her.

I groaned, my mouth automatically finding her exposed breasts. I nipped at her sensitive skin just to hear her hiss, but instead of squirming away she pulled my head closer, easing me along to where she wanted me to go. My mouth moved slowly along, teasing her as she continued to whimper and pull me closer. When I finally made my way to her nipple, I circled my tongue around it, toying with her before she let out the most desperate moan. With that moan broke my resolve, and without another second passing us, I brought my lips to her and sucked the sensitive bud gently.

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