Saving Bella

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"She's going to have testify." Stone said.
"Isn't there DNA?"
"Yes, but she obviously has to testify. Liv are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I just can't stand to see her go through any more trauma."
"Oh I see, you have strong feelings about this particular case huh?"
"Yes. I've been trying to ignore them but it's hard. She's such a sweet little girl, 2 weeks ago she barely talked and now I'm getting full on sentences out of her. It's just- I have the same feelings I have towards Noah. She's Different."
"Well then. Act on them Olivia, follow your gut. You'd be an amazing mother to her, you're already so good with Noah."
"Well I can still foster. Maybe it's worth a shot." I smiled and left the office.
"I declare this child an orphan in the state of New York." The judge said seriously.
"Ms. Benson, do you have an interest in adopting Bella?"
"Yes, I do your honor." The judge smiled and said.
"I know Bella will be in the best of hands. I got it right the first time, and I definitely will be right this time around. I order temporary custody of Bella Fraizer to Olivia Benson as a foster parent for a year where she can then choose to adopt. This court is adjourned." I started to cry as I left the courtroom. I finally get to take me little Bell-Bell home after nearly two months.
5 days later
"Welcome home Bella!"
"Look, everyone from the squad is here to celebrate." I said while picking her up.
"Thank you. Balloons!" I set her down to play with Jesse while I talked to everyone.
"Congrats Liv!" Fin said while giving me a hug.
"Yes honey?"
"I have to tell you a secret!" She put her hands over my ears and said,
"Best party ever."
"Glad you like it. You know we have one more surprise."
"You'll see. Come, do you wanna open your presents?"
"Yeah. I wanna open the yellow one."
"This one's from auntie 'Manda."
"Thank you Auntie 'Manda."
"You're welcome hun. Now go on and open it." She pulled the wrapping paper off quickly and hugged her present.
"ITS AN AhhhMerican girl doll. Thank you Auntie 'Manda!"
"I'm glad you enjoy it! Now you and Jesse's dolls can play together."
"I love her! Look she has brown skin like me Livia." She hugged her doll tightly and giggled.
"The doll hair is curly." Jesse said.
"Curly!" The girls giggled and play with their dolls as us adults watched. Noah wasn't very happy.
"This is boring. Dinosaurs are better."
"Dolls and dinosaurs can play together! They both have a d." Bella pointed out.
"Exactly Noah, You guys can play together. But before you guys play together we have one more surprise for Bella." We all led Bella in from of the guest room door and I jumped in front of it.
"Wait! Shouldn't we do a countdown?"
"Yeah!" The kids shouted.
"1!" I opened the door to this amazingly cute yellow and pink room. It had a toy trunk a dollhouse, another big present wrapped waiting to be opened, and a decently sized white bed with a yellow and pink comforter.

 It had a toy trunk a dollhouse, another big present wrapped waiting to be opened, and a decently sized white bed with a yellow and pink comforter

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"This is a cute little room." Carisi said while looking around.
"I like it lots and lots and lots!" She jumped on her bed and kicked around.
"Livia, this is the best room ever! Thank you." She got off the bed and gave me a big hug.
"The best room for only the best girl!"
Bella's POV
"Bedtime Bell."
"I'm not even tired."
"But its way past your bedtime young lady." Livia tucked me in and sat on the bed with me.
"How does it feel? You're gonna sleep in your room for the first time!"
"Livia you're silly! I slept here last time we had a sleepover!"
"Yeah, but this is all yours now."
"It feels sad."
"How?" Livia asked me while braiding my super long hair.
"I don't know." I touched the stuffed bunny and then put it too my chest.
"Is that your baby bunny?"
"Yes, it wants a kiss!" She gave the bunny a kiss   And then put the braid she did to the side.
"Okay now, bedtime for real now missy!"
"Good night Livia!" We hugged and did our special handshake that we do every time we see each other.
"Night my Belle. Do you want me to leave the light on?"
"Yes please! Livia?"
"You're my best friend."
"Awww. I'm glad to be your best friend." Livia left the room and went to the living room I think. I looked around at the walls and the ceiling. I can't sleep. Maybe I should play with the doll. That'd make me more tired. I walked over to my doll house and got my Barbie.
"I'm gonna cook some dinner!" Lala went into the kitchen and made eggs and bacon for Chelsea.
"Mama, you make eggs and bacon every single time!"
"That's because that's all I know how to make even."
"You're lying!" Chelsea took the plate and ate her food. I laughed and set the dolls down. I still can't sleep after some playing. I heard the tv in the living room on so I know that Livia was there. When I went over there Livia was she was half asleep.
"Bella, why aren't you in bed?"
"Sorry Livia. I couldn't sleep."
"Come." She said sleepily while moving over so I could sit on the couch. I went under the blanket and started to feel tired and warm. Livia put her arm around me and then I fell asleep finally.
The Next Morning
"Morning Bella." Livia said while making food behind me.
"Good morning." I rubbed my eyes and looked at her.
"I made pancakes. And I'm making eggs right now. Is there anything that you want on your eggs especially?"
"Can I have peppers in it?"
"Livia, where's Noah?"
"He's still sleeping I suppose. Why don't you go check." I tip toed to Noah's room to see him reading a book.
"Noah. What are you doing?"
"Reading what?"
"A book"
"A book about what?"
"Stop it! I'm tryna read over here." I left the room and went back over to Livia.
"He's awake?"
"Yes. But he wouldn't let me know about his book. I just asked him what his book was about and he said stop."
"Was Noah reading when you went in there?"
"Maybe next time say excuse me Noah and then he won't be that way."
"Okay." Livia set me on the counter so I could watch her cook.
"I'm almost done. And then we'll all sit down in the living room and eat our breakfast."
"Because I'm not allowed."
"Yes you are. You're allowed to eat in the living room here."
"Oh. Okay."
"Yes my best girl."
"Can I go down now? I need to get my dolls for breakfast!"
"Eat it all!" I said to my doll.
"Stop telling your doll to eat. It's getting annoying."
"Noah, that's not very nice. She's just playing, you do the same thing."
"I'll just stop then Olivia." I sighed and put my doll down so I could get the rest of my eggs.
"No it's okay. Your doll needs to eat too. What is her name?"
"Tell Olivia your name." She whispered in my ears and I nodded along.
"She's a bit shy, but her name is Mia."
"That's a nice name." I giggled.
"She said thank you!" I gave Olivia a hug and then put my plate into the sink like she tells us to.
"I'm going to take a nap Livia."
"Alright munchkin."

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