CHAPTER 46- Surprise Surprise!

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"The bottom line is Pray. If you're tired, sick, emotionally overwhelmed-Pray. If you're on cloud nine and life seems perfect-Pray. If you lack direction-Pray. If you doubt that Prayer makes any difference-Pray. If the circumstances of your life are out of control-Pray. If the circumstances of your life seem well within your control-Pray even harder. Whatever you do-Pray."



After the long exhausting day, I finally decided to go home and rest as it was already 10pm. The moment I entered my house, I was welcomed with a hard object hitting my head and before the darkness surrounded me, I saw my mum standing behind me with a bat in her hand.

Is this a dream?


I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the bright light in the room, I tried moving my hands but failed. I think it's stuck somewhere or tied down to something, I can't really tell, I tried moving my legs but it was the same. I heard voices speaking and tried to concentrate on them instead.

"Should we call the cops?" someone asked, why does that someone sound so familiar?

"No, let's just call Ayesha, maybe she knows this person seeing she's the one who warned us about him in the first place" again, this voice was also very familiar.

Wait, did they just mention Ayesha?

I tried opening my eyes again but my head was hurting very much and so I went back to sleep.

What the hell is happening?


"You're such a darling Ayesha, I really wish I had a daughter like you" this was the first thing I heard when I tried waking up for the 2nd time. This time my hands and legs were fine and I was able to move them a little.

"Please aunty Rabiya, you're like a second family to me and this is the least I could do for you guys. If you need me anytime, please don't hesitate to give me a call" That voice, I can recognize it anywhere, even in my sleep. That's how cautious I always am of that voice.

The voice belonging to none other than the evil incarnate herself, that being Ayesha Aamir Karim!

Oh no, my head aching and her being present here at the same time is no coincident at all, she definitely has something to do with it.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my surroundings and surprisingly I'm not in the dark haunted dungeons like I thought I would be but in a car, a car that has just started moving, away from my very own house. The driver being my best friend.

Hold on, when did he join team evil?

"Ay if he wakes up we're so dead, I can tell you don't care seeing your laid back posture, but come on Ay he's my best friend"

Go team Ayman, we both know he's not going to win this one but hey, at least my best friend is trying for me right?

"He deserved it Ay and don't worry, I won't tell him you helped me" Ayesha says, why can't Ayman have a sane sister?

"Well too bad, he already knows" I chose to make my presence known to dumb and dumber.

At hearing me speak, Ayesha turns to look at me, "Great, now we have no problem at all, he already knows so you're safe Ay" Ayesha tells Ayman and then turns the volume of the radio very high, giving me a second massive headache. At this point I might just have a migraine.

"Okay that's enough torture for him Ay please" I heard Ayman screaming and just after that Ayesha turned the volume down. Finally at peace!

I sat up properly and noticed that it's still dark and fortunately we're still in the main town and not some creepy empty roads. What is she even planning?

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