CHAPTER 41- Confession!

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"If only I could pray Surah Fatiha once more
If only I really internalized the words to my core
If only I explored more of the Holy Qur'aan
If only I put my head to the floor
And never raised it up
Just one more Sujood
Just one more chance to commit to the truth
Just one more chance to prove my love for Allah
Instead of regretting what I used to do...
I said I would change
I said it was just a phase
I said one day, one day-
Well we only have one life on this earth
So why not make that day today?
Why not use every minute, every second to really remold yourself like clay
For we were made from dirt and to there we will return
So why take your time as play?
Why trade in reality for an illusion that will ultimately fade?"



Oh how much I hate it!

Can someone speak already? I know everyone in this room is curious to know what exactly happened but no one is willing to go first.

After what seemed like ages, I noticed someone finally open their mouth to say something, "Ummm so how did you escape exactly?" Mar asked eying me suspiciously.

All eyes were on me now, everyone eagerly waiting for me to answer Omar's question, and what was I doing? Oh well, I kept silent for a few moments and took my sweet time to answer.

"When I ran away from here after..." I warily looked over to uncle Ibrahim who cleared his throat and pulled his brown hat down to cover his pink glory while Zayn tried his best to stifle his laughter when I glared at him.

"Uh well, I went off to the main road and suddenly these 3 guys came up out of nowhere and one of them hit me with something hard on my head and I fell unconscious" I continued, discreetly glancing at the person who was behind all this. I just knew it was him who got me kidnapped, it's so obvious by the looks he's giving me!

"When I woke up, I found myself in a dark basement with my hands and legs tied down to a chair. They came in and started threatening me and kicking my chair so I fell and hurt myself, but I managed to escape when I found a broken piece of glass and cut through the ropes and ran away. They were very scary mama and they really tortured me a lot, they didn't even give me a cup of water when I was dying of thirst"

Okay I know, I lied! But I lied for a reason, you want to know why? Watch!




And we have a confession!

"That's not true, firstly the room you were in was nicely furnished and comfortable and you weren't tied down to anything okay. And they didn't torture you at all, they couldn't and I warned them not to. And they gave you food Ay, I sent the pizza myself!"

Do I need to state the obvious or you guys already know who just spoke those words?

Okay, I'll be a sweetheart and just tell you, OMAR!

Yeah I know, my own blood! But I don't blame him though, I knew he would take revenge for the Sarah stunt I had pulled on his wedding night. So you can say I kinda saw this coming...

"Omar, you... you did this?" yup, that's me stating the obvious but in a dramatic way.

"Uhhh, I-I um... y-you" the next thing he did after his pathetic stuttering was pulled a me, you get it? He ran away... literally!

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