CHAPTER 45- Miss Yusra!

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Salaam troubles, hope you're all doing well! I had a lovely trip Alhamdulillah and now that I'm back, I'll be updating every 2 weeks hopefully. Here's a long chapter for all you lovelies (it's double of my usual chapters) to make it up to all of you for the long wait, hope you all enjoy it!


'When you feel completely broken,
the only thing that can heal you is connecting with Allah the Almighty in Prayer.
Only He has the power to heal.
Turn to Him, He'll surely do what's best for you!'


The moment I exited the house to have a lovely and peaceful day all to myself doing nothing, I spotted 2 pairs of evil eyes (well less evil than mine) staring back at me expectantly all the while making a very innocent face.

Okayyy... I don't remember doing anything this time.

I moved my gaze from them to the coffee table beside the swing and noticed a box of pizza, fries and a large chocolate milkshake placed perfectly on the side.

This surely calls for trouble!

I cautiously walked towards the swing and sat down grabbing a slice of pizza and sipping on the delicious milkshake. I didn't question their presence yet and went about doing my stuff completely ignoring them. A few minutes passed and none of the 2 opened their mouth to say anything, should I ask them?

They obviously need my help for something seeing as my twin only buys me food when he desperately needs something from me in return, but the question here is... will I help them?

Well obviously he's my brother...

Finally my twin opened his mouth to speak, "So Ay..."

"Nope" I said, straightaway cutting him off.

"Please" He said.

"No" I answered, ive made my decision and nothing can change it.

"Please, we really need you" he pleaded again.

I looked up and gave both of them a skeptical look and said, "Nop I'm really busy"

"Doing what?" he questioned.

"Reading duh" I flashed the magazine in my twins face to prove my statement.

Apparently, my twins' best friend found my statement funny and started laughing like the hyena he is, "you never read" Zayn said and laughed a little more at me.

"She means flipping through the magazine pictures" Ay explained and now they both laughed at me together.

"Alright okay how about you read now and help us in the afternoon?" Zayn asked.

"I'm still busy"

"Busy doing what now?" Ay humored me.

"Gotta catch on my beauty sleep"

"Yeah you really need that" Zayn added and they both laughed again.

Like I'm even going to consider helping these jerks!

"I suggest if you want my help then you better stop laughing"

This shut them both up and they stood up straight making those pleading faces again, "its Miss Yusra from school, she's really upset over something and we need your help to help her because we can't think of anything at all. You're the master planner in your own twisted way, hence the bribe food." Ay said, this surely got my attention.

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