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Assalamu Alaykum everyone!

Hope you're all well? Firstly I would like to thank all of you who are reading this and I request to please read it till the end.

When I was younger, I always wanted to be an artist and would try new things every now and then. I never in my whole 20 years thought of writing but when I started reading books on Wattpad, this really amazing author caught my attention. Her books were like so good and inspiring; she is the one who inspired me to start writing.

Just recently she announced that she's deleting all her books because of some really valid reason. I asked her for some advice and this is what she answered which might I add was honestly the best answer.

"If you want to know what you're writing is Halal then imagine the Prophet peace be upon him sitting beside you while you are writing, if he approves of it then go for it, if not then stop"

And she added, love stories can never be halal, and if it's after marriage, then what happens should stay between the walls of the house... Salah matters, Qur'an matters, Aqeeda matters, Aakhirah matters! But this life doesn't. Those are the things we need to focus on!

After reading her message, I wanted to stop writing and leave this book, but one of my closest friend gave me an advice. She told me not to stop the book and continue with it, but in a way that people actually benefit from my book, add some Hadith or Islamic teaching to it. So I decided to continue with the book, the fun and pranks will still be there but something good and beneficial will be added to it.

Thank you so much for your advice my Jaaaaaan❤

Lastly I would like to thank everyone again and please let me know if I'm going wrong in anyway. I want to become a better person In Sha Allah.

May Allah keep us steady and guide us, keep me in your prayers!

JazakAllahu Khairan

Let me know in the comments if you think I'm doing the right thing, and yes I'll update chapter 6 next week, I'm really sorry too busy tomorrow...


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