Midnight Snack~Masky

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You were staring up at your ceiling, trying to sleep. You had been laying there, awake for hours. You rolled over onto your side and stared at your alarm clock on your nightstand.

You sighed and got out of bed, planning to go downstairs into the living room and watch some T.V. on the couch. You padded quietly down the hall that led to the stairs. You passed by your parents' dark and empty room. They were on vacation somewhere in France, so you were on your own for two weeks. Just as you reached the top of the stairs, you heard a rustling from downstairs. You figured it was just your imagination, a random noise produced by your brain, alone in a dark house. You were about to walk on the first step, when something crashed downstairs. You froze in fear. You slowly turned and walked quietly over to the small closet where your parents kept various things, one of which was a baseball bat. You figured that a bat was better then nothing.
You quietly opened the closet door, grabbed the bat and began walking slowly down the stairs, your bat raised in protection.
There were still noises coming from the kitchen as you stepped off of the last step. You, against better judgement, decided to investigate.
You slowly crept into the kitchen. The window was open, that must have been how the intruder got in.
You saw a figure in a tan jacket bent over the counter, seemingly eating something. You crept quietly into the room, trying not to draw any attention to yourself. The figure didn't notice you, or if he did, he didn't pay any attention to you.
When you were behind him, you raised the bat, preparing to strike. The figure chose then to turn around.
He was wearing a mask. It seemed oddly feminine for some reason. He had short, messy brown hair. That was the only thing you tell, due to the mask.
He was holding a plate of half-eaten cheesecake in his hand. You lowered the bat, unsure how to continue. He cocked his head in confusion.
"Hi." He spoke.
"Hi..." You responded.
He set the plate down on the counter and offered his hand to you. "I'm Masky. Sorry if I woke you, I wanted a midnight snack." You didn't move a muscle. He shrugged and pulled his hand back.
"I don't really want to play nice with someone who broke into my house..." You said, staring him where his eyes should be behind the mask. He nodded in agreement and picked the plate up again. He began eating. "This is really good. I think this is my seventh piece." He said in-between bites. You nodded for some reason. "I made it. Thanks..." You trailed off. He looked up at you. "Really?" You nodded slowly. "This is the best I've had in a long time. I might have to come back for more!" You stood there awkwardly, watching him eat.
After he was done, he walked over to the sink and set his plate down. "Well that was good, but I have to go or else Slender will get mad." You blinked. "S-Slender? As in, THE Slenderman?" He nodded. "I'm his proxy. I work for him. I wasn't supposed to come here tonight, but I saw the cheesecake through the window and I was hungry, so..." He trailed off. "Well, I guess I should be going then. May I ask your name?" You debated silently for a moment before answering. "Y/n. My name is y/n." He nodded thoughtfully. "Y/n...you're kinda cute." You blushed slightly.
He walked over to the open window and was about to go through when he paused and looked at you. "Would you mind if...if I came here again?" He asked. You thought for a moment. "Sure." He looked like he was smiling a bit. "Promise to have some more of that cheesecake?" He asked hopefully. You chuckled and nodded. "Great! I'll see you later y/n!" And with that, he was gone, closing the window behind him.
You stood in the kitchen awkwardly, processing what had just happened. After a minute, you shrugged and walked into the living room to watch some t.v.

This was the fourth time Masky had come over. You were sitting on the couch, talking about various things. Your school, his 'job', friends, things like that. You guys usually talked until he had to go. You didn't mind the company, your parents were usually at work or traveling, so it was nice to have someone to talk to. Honestly, you had a bit of a crush on Masky, especially after the first night when he said you were cute.
"Y/n?" He asked you. You were brought back to reality. "What? Sorry, I zoned out." He sighed and began speaking slowly. "I asked you if maybe...you'd want to...go out, with me, sometime?" He stared shyly at the ground after he asked you. You processed the situation for a moment.
He looked up. "Really?" You smiled. "Yeah." He sat there, taking everything in. You smiled. "Want some cheesecake?" He lit up like a Christmas ornament. "Yeah, of course!" You smiled and walked into to kitchen with him following you within arms' length.
After you set the plates on the table, you were held tightly in a warm embrace. "I'm so happy you want to go out with me y/n. Really." You smiled.
"Masky, I'm happy that you're happy, but I'm being squished here!" He let go of you quickly. "Sorry..." You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "It's fine, now eat your cheesecake!" He chuckled and you both began eating.

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