The Best Birthday Ever- Ticci Toby

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You sat in your bedroom, reading a book. What book, you say? The name of the book you're reading doesn't matter, because today is a very special day.

Today is your birthday. Your 16th birthday, in fact. While most normal teens were celebrating their newfound freedoms, you were simply celebrating your new official position as one of Slenderman's Proxies.

While the new job was exciting and all, you had more anticipation for spending the time with your amazing boyfriend, Toby.

You were hoping that he had something planned, but not something huge as you hated parties. They made you feel like a social misfit. Nonetheless, you hoped that Toby had at least planned a nice dinner or something. While you didn't want a party, you wanted people to remember that it was your birthday, and a very important one at that!

Sighing, you closed your book and stretched. No one had visited you so far today, making you wonder where everyone had gone.

You decided to go downstairs and see if anyone was down there. Creeping down the stairs, you see everyone gathered around the couch. Once you got off the stairs, you saw that everyone was crowded around Jane, who was on one of her visits. While you loved to see her, whenever she visited everyone devoted all of their attention to her, which meant no one would remember your birthday.
Which sucked.

You groaned and walked into the kitchen, where you found your best friend Jeff sitting on the counter eating a piece of cake.

"Hey (Y/N). 'Sup."

"Hey Jeff. What are you doin' in here?" He looked down at the cake in his hand and narrowed his eyes.

"It's here." You nodded, remembering that Jeff despised Jane.

"Okay, follow-up question, what's the cake for?"

"It's for it." You glanced over on the counter and saw a cake with a piece missing. The icing on top of it said 'Welcome back Jane!" Your eyes narrowed.

"Thanks Jeff." You turned back to face the raven-haired boy. "Do you know what today is?" He nodded.

"It's your 16th birthday, duh." You nodded.

"Yeah, but I think everyone forgot. Because of Jane."

"What happened because of me?" You looked over your shoulder and saw Jane sauntering into the kitchen, hand on hips. Jeff groaned and slid off the counter.

"(Y/N) if you need me I'll be in my room, away from this crap." You and Jane watched him slink up the stairs to his room. When he was out of sight, Jane walked over to you and embraced you.

"Oh, (Y/N), how ya' doin' honey?" She smiled warmly down at you.

"Oh, I've been fine, how 'bout you?" She shrugged and slid an arm around your waist.

"I've been great, but frankly I'd just like to know how you and Toby are going." You look down at the ground.

"We've been good, getting along and everything...doing couple things...yeah..." She snorted.

"Sounds great hon'. But listen," She walked back to the entrance of the living room. "I will see you around!" She disappeared back into the crowd of CreepyPasta in the living room.

You sighed and opened the fridge to get some juice. As you poured yourself a huge glassful, Toby came in.

"Oh hey baby." He kissed your cheek, making you smile.

"Hey babe." You leaned against the fridge, casually sipping your juice. "Big day, huh?" He grinned at you.

"Yeah, it is. It isn't everyday we get to see Jane back in our neck of the woods." The smile on your face froze. He turned to pour himself a cup of cold coffee.

"Mhm," Your voice was strained and angry. He turned back to face you.

"Hey, I need to work a little later today, then we should have a nice dinner." You nodded slowly, maybe he hadn't forgotten? "Because we should sit down and chat with Jane." The smile fell off your face completely. He kissed your forehead.

"See you later babe." You nodded as he walked out. Sinking down so you were curled into the fetal position, you stared at the counter across from you for a good ten minutes.

It seems like everyone has forgotten about your birthday because of Jane, how tragic. Well, Jeff hasn't, but he's Jeff, so he doesn't count.

You sighed and stand up to go back upstairs.

You shower and pull on some jeans and a hoodie before collapsing on your bed to read another book.

After a little while, you went downstairs to mingle. You saw Toby chatting with Masky, who saw you approaching and hurriedly left when you came over.

"Hey Toby."

"Oh, hey (Y/N)."

"I have something I need to ask you."

"Babe, any other time I would love to spend all the time in the world with you, but today I can't." You nodded.

"Because of Jane." You spat angrily.

He gave you a pained expression before kissing your cheek. "I promise I'll explain later, okay?" He walked off after that, leaving you alone. You groaned and stomped back upstairs.

No one came up to wish you a happy birthday, even though you could hear them walking by your door. If you weren't so emotionally messed up due to being a CreepyPasta, you might have burst into tears.

You decided to make your own birthday great, who needs anybody else to celebrate? You turned Sixteen Candles on, seeing as it was very ironic. When it got to the scene with Molly Ringwald sitting on the table, smiling and happy, you tossed your book at the screen.

"Why do you get to be happy Molly? I'm a real person and you're just a face on a screen!" Burying your face in your arms, your stomach growled, reminding you that you hadn't eaten all day.

You remembered that there was a cake for Jane on the counter. Deciding to eat that out of spite, hunger and sadness, you headed downstairs to get it.

Where you silently hoped there would be a surprise party of your friends waiting for you.

There wasn't.

You got the cake, the whole cake, before taking a fork and stomping up the stairs. Walking in, you closed the door with your foot before looking up, straight into the eyes of Toby.

He was holding two cans of (F/D), and had put a tray of your favorite foods on your bed.

"Oh, hey babe. Happy birthday." You just stopped and stared at him. Your gaze wandered over to the spread on your bed, which included chocolate covered strawberries and mini-cupcakes. You felt touched.

"T-Toby...I..." He raised a hand to silence you before motioning for you to sit on the bed. The two of you sat down and Toby raised the remote to continue Sixteen Candles.

"I didn't forget babe, I just wanted it to be a surprise. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings." You shook your head, still bewildered.

"No, I just figured that you got swept into the Jane mania." He shook his head. "Wait...does that mean everyone else is part of a party or did they really forget?" Toby shrugged.

"I dunno, I would've spent all day with you, but I was worried you might see what was going on." You shook your head and laughing.

"No, I was in the dark. This is so romantic and sweet Toby!"

"No problem babe." He leaned forward to kiss you.

"Although, I would like to know what you were doing with that huge-ass cake." You look down at the cake in your hands and start laughing.

"It's not a big deal." You set the cake on your dresser before sitting down on the bed again.

You nibbled some of the food Toby had brought up, it was actually really good. When you were done, you position yourself on Toby's legs, laying your head in his lap.

"Happy birthday babe, I hope it was a good one." He leaned over to kiss you, right at the moment Molly Ringwald got kissed onscreen. You grinned and ran your fingers through his hair.

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