Drama central...

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"I carved this necklace for your grandmother when we got engaged," Pakku said softly. "I thought we would have a long, happy life together."

Ahh, that would explain why he was so bitter and annoying!

"I loved her," Pakku said softly, his face tender and heartbroken.

"But she didn't love you, did she?"
I think Katara needs to learn how to be more sensitive. That was harsh.
"It was an arranged marriage," Katara started to approach Pakku, still talking and kinda making me cringe with every sentence.
It was harsh. But he needed to hear all this.
"Gram-gram wouldn't let your tribe's stupid customs control her life. That's why she left. It must have taken a lot of courage."

Pakku held the necklace close to his heart and looked away, his expression pained. At the same moment, Yue seemed to break down in tears and ran away. Aang and I both turned to Sokka, who looked completely stunned.

"Go get her," Aang said encouragingly.

"She needs a shoulder to cry on. Go on," I nudged him towards the fleeing princess, and he chased after her.

Later that night, when the other two were out cold, Sokka wandered in looking dazed after the gruelling day.

"Okay, now I'm really confused. What happened?" I questioned as the young Water Tribe warrior sat down next to me.

"She's engaged..." Sokka said glumly.

"Oh...." I fidgeted nervously. "Um....that's rough, buddy..."

"I don't think she likes the guy, though...I mean," Sokka turned to me, his eyes wide and mildly excited. "She kissed me, then told me we couldn't be together because she was engaged... Are all girls this crazy?"

"Well, Katara and Amaya are a special kind of crazy," I grinned. "Yue just sounds like a really confused girl, who wants one thing, but can't have it because something else is getting in the way," I shrugged. "If you really want to hang out with her more, why not hang out as just friends?"

"I guess," Sokka yawned. "Well, I'll see you in the morning."

"Yup, night."

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