What is the Gang up to now?

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We got on Appa the next morning and flew off to the northern air temple to see what last nights commotion around the campfire was. Aang was sceptical about the whole flying people deal, but if you looked close enough, you could see something in his eyes... Hope...

He spoke with some enthusiasm, and part of me wondered if he really was as sceptical about the actual airbenders thing or honestly believed they were still around, and he wasn't alone. Part of me could actually relate to that. If it weren't for the Gaang and Amaya, I wouldn't have anything.

"Do you really think we'll see some airbenders!?" Katara asked excitedly, coming round to the back to sit with Sokka and me. Sokka was whittling while Momo watched, and I pretended to nap.
"Do you want me to be like you or totally honest?" Sokka questioned, not even looking up or trying to sound interested.
"Are you saying I'm a liar?"
"Well, he ain't calling you a truther...." I piped up, my eyes still closed.
"I'm calling her an optimist," Sokka responded pointedly. "But yeah, the same thing basically."
"HEY, GUYS! LOOK AT THIS!" Aang called back. I opened my eyes, and a bad feeling settled in my gut when I saw the literal joy glowing on Aang's face. Up ahead, we saw the Air Temple, and figures were floating around it, little black shapes. Something seemed off about them. Aang seemed to see it too, and his face fell immediately.
Katara gasped excitedly. "They really are airbenders!"

"No, they're not," Aang responded, his grief barely hidden in his voice.
"What do you mean they're not!?" For the first time since we left that morning, Sokka actually sounded excited. "Those guys are flying."
"There's something off about the way they're flying," I said, moving further forward. "I mean, when Aang flies, he looks like he belongs in the sky, natural. These guys seem...fake."
"Mogui is right," Aang's face became a neutral mask. "They might be gliding, but they're not airbending. Those people have no spirit."
"I don't know, Aang, that kid seemed pretty spirited," Katara commented as a kid flew over our heads, laughing. I almost got brained by his funny chair glider thing.

Aang got this cocky expression as the kid grinned back at us, jumping into the air with his glider. Those other kids glided around Appa's head, annoying him so he sort of bucks, throwing Katara onto Sokka and me. She grabbed me around my waist, trying not to fall off. This was getting dangerous, so I jumped onto Appa's head and grabbed his reins to minimise any potential collateral damage.
"We better find some solid ground before it finds us!" Sokka called to me.
"Way ahead of you," I called back, guiding Appa down to the Air Temple. We landed and looked up to see Aang and the other kid doing loops and twists and stuff. I admit, it looked fun. If possible, I'd like to see if I could try it out.

"Go, Teo!" one kid shouted.
"Show that bald kid how it's done!" another one yelled.
I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. "Show an airbender how to glide! Priceless!"
Aang did some fancy airbending, obviously showing off to the other kids, when the kid in the chair started drawing cloud pictures. And, again, I couldn't help myself. I burst out laughing at the picture of a grumpy looking Aang and could just imagine his face looking pretty much the same.

Aang eventually landed neatly near us while the other kid came to a screeching halt a short distance from us. The other kids ran over to him and started removing the glider parts of the chair, and I realised the kid couldn't walk. The kid wheeled over to us and stared at Aang for a moment.

"Hey!" he had a spark of excitement in his eyes. "You're a real airbender!" He paused. "You must be the Avatar!" His face lit up with genuine joy, and I couldn't help but smile at the kid's enthusiasm. "That-That...That's amazing! I've heard stories about you!"
"Thanks..." Aang said, scratching his head in a slightly shy manner.
"Wow!" Sokka said enthusiastically, moving towards the kid. "This glider chair is incredible!"
"Yes, it is," I gave the kid my best serious face. "But you almost brained me up there, kid. Gotta be a little more careful, or someone could get seriously hurt."
"Oh... I'm sorry..." he cast his eyes down, his cheeks coloured slightly from embarrassment. "I didn't mean to cause any harm."
"Eh, no real harm done," I shrugged and threw him a friendly grin. "Just watch out, ok? It goes for the rest of you too."
"Yes, sorry!" The other kids all chorused.
"But, if you thought the chair was good," Teo said, turning to Sokka, who was still admiring the glider. "Wait until you see the other stuff my dad designed."
Teo guided us into the Air Temple, and I immediately had a feeling that something wasn't what it seemed.

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