In a distant forest...

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Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a golden glow all around us, and under normal circumstances, this would probably be lovely. Still, I had this feeling of being watched that hadn't abated once since we set foot in this forest. We came across a sign, which indicated that this was actually a well-travelled road, and honestly, that should have set off some warning bells to the others, but nope.
"Nants ingonyama bagithi baba! Sithi uhhmm ingonyama!" I yelled at the top of my lungs since I just couldn't keep the feeling under control anymore, and I needed to vent. This seemed like the safest venting option.

Katara and Aang laugh at me as Katara approaches the sign. "This should give us a good idea of what's around here."
"See if you can find a menu." Sokka quips, tipping the food bag upside down over his face to catch the last crumbs. "I'm starving."
"Agreed," I say, holding my stomach as it growled.
"I'll bet we'll find something to eat here!" Aang points at the board eagerly, and I lean in to read the poster. "The Fire Day's Festival!" He described all the different exciting sights, like cultural exhibits and firebenders and jugglers and all that festival stuff.

I don't see that ending well. "Um, yeah. That has Zuko written all over it. I don't know about you, but I don't fancy getting captured anytime soon."
"But this could be a great place for me to study some real firebenders!" Aang says, his eyes practically glittering with excitement.
"You might wanna rethink that," Sokka calls from the other side.
"What, I don't count?!" I ask, full of mock hurt.

Aang looks momentarily concerned, then sees my mocking expression and grins. "Come on, Mogui, even you know you're not a master. Zuko kicked your butt every time you guys have fought. Even Amaya was a better bender."
"She's probably had more practice, and I was watching her watching Katara in that last fight. She was copying everything Katara did when it came to bending."
Katara blinked, surprised at that revelation. "She was learning by watching? And she picked up stuff that took me months if not weeks to learn?"
"I guess? It wasn't as fluid and perfect as you, but she had the basic understanding. I'll bet she's practising right now."
"GUYS!" Sokka called. We all went over to see what he was trying to tell us. "Look at this."

There was a poster, a wanted poster, in fact, of Aang. There were a few others, one of which was just a freaky blue mask, referred to as "the Blue Spirit" that seemed familiar somehow, even though I'm pretty sure I've never seen him before.
"Hey, a poster of me!" Aang said cheerfully.
"You know what, I think you and Amaya would be the best of friends." I point out, laughing at the young airbender.
"Really? Cool!"
"Aang, this is bad." Sokka tried to get us back on track.
"I think we better keep moving," Katara said seriously.
"I have to learn firebending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch the masters up close," Aang said, his voice still light but with some seriousness in it now. "And Mogui needs to learn some better firebending techniques too. That way, we can train together while on the move."
"I guess we could go check it out," Katara said with a shrug.
"What?" Sokka was obviously not expecting that. "You want to walk into a Fire Nation town, where they're all fired up with"

"We'll wear disguises!" Katara responded. She and Aang ran around to Appa to grab their things. "And if it looks like trouble, we'll leave!"
"Yeah..." Sokka responds sarcastically. "Because we always leave before we get into trouble."
I grab my clothes, the things I had been wearing when I first woke up and quickly changed off on my own.

I rejoined the others in time to hear Aang say "ready disguises!" rather enthusiastically while Sokka and Katara pulled on hoods dramatically. Aang turned around and pulled his clothes over his head, and turned around with a huge grin.
"It's like you're a whole different person!" Sokka said sarcastically.
"But that's why it's brilliant!" I called as I stepped out towards them. "It's so pathetically dimwitted!"
They turned to face me. "I forgot you had Fire Nation clothes."
I chuckled. "No offence Sokka, but the ones I borrowed from you were a bit uncomfortable. You're really short, you know that?"

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