Mothers, Proposals and New Jobs - Rewritten

Start from the beginning

“Hey are you sure it’s ok if I go out with Mark tonight? I can stay here if you want?” I asked Aana. Mark had asked me out tonight to make up for Lilly-Rose and everything else but I didn’t want to leave Aana on her first night out. I didn’t have a clue where he was taking me but he said low key obviously.

“I breathed in some soot; I don’t know what the big problem is. Plus, I have these hoes with me.” She answered, looking at Lottie and Ron who were currently playing each other at Mario Kart. You wouldn’t think they were in their twenties and girls.

“Ok, well I’m going to get ready.” I announced, waiting for Aana to tell me what to wear.

“Not going to give me your fashion advice?” I laughed.

“I think you got this one mate.” She answered, throwing off the blanket and walking to the kitchen to get coffee. I nodded and made my way upstairs to her room. Luckily, we all fit in to the same clothes so what was hers was ours. Seeing as we stay round each other’s ninety nine percent of the time, we wear each other’s clothes too. I’m dreading the day when we get new jobs and go off to university. Next year we all go off to university, we have plans but we haven’t talked about them again. Although, I’m pretty sure we’ll all stay at the same one. I looked through Aana’s clothes and she had so many I couldn’t choose. The weather was sunny but breezy and it was nearly sun set. He was picking me up in half an hour so I had to hurry my shit. He said casual. I picked out ripped denim jeans and Aana’s burgundy lace peplum top with black flats. I curled the bottoms of my hair and put it up into a high ponytail and applied mascara and eye liquid liner. Who needs half an hour to get ready? I slipped my phone and credit card into my back pocket and walked downstairs.

“I’m proud chica!” she grinned, looking back from the TV. She was lying with her legs on Ron and her head on Lottie with the WII controller in her hand. I flashed her a thumbs up and grabbed her leather jacket from the closet. A few minutes later Mark turned up at the doorstep with her a red rose.

“So you’re Mark?” Jasmine asked from behind me. I laughed at her maternal side, I didn’t even realise she was home.

“That’s me ma’am.” I cringed at him for calling her ma’am and chuckled to myself. He looked so confused and cute. He was wearing a button up shirt and denim jeans with converse. I laughed at his choice of shoes even though I adored converse.

“I’m Aana’s mum, now if there’s one thing you should know, all of these girls are like my own so if you hurt her I will personally come and visit you. What I’m trying to say Mark is if you want to keep your testicles, do not hurt her. Anyway, have a lovely time guys.” She smiled and ushered me with him.

“I can see where Aana gets her feisty side from.” He chuckled, leading me to his car. I climbed in the front seat and switched my phone to silent.

“So where are we going?” I asked, giving him my puppy face which didn’t really work on anybody because it just looked like I had problems.

“It’s a surprise but I’m glad you dressed appropriately.” He smiled, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

“We aim to please Mr Cavell.” I grinned, subtly moving his hand from my cheek.

“Did you just quote Fifty Shades of Grey? Don’t make me go all Christian Grey on you Gabs.” He smirked, chuckling.

“I’m sorry but I’m not into that all of that kinky shit.” I replied.

“Well maybe you’re not aiming enough.”

“Ok Cavell, keep driving.” I muttered, hiding my smirk. He didn’t speak for the rest of the drive, something was obviously on his mind but whatever it was he wasn’t showing it. When we finally stopped he walked to my door, escorting me out of the car. It was sun set and the view from here was beautiful. We were at a little lake and on the side was a little canoe. My smile went from discreet to taking up my whole face. He took my hand and led me to the boat, helping me to sit down. We talked for ages just floating and watching the sunset. It was a nice time we had in a long time, he brought a little picnic basket with juice boxes, triangle sandwiches and Quavers. My ultimate guilty pleasure.

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