Chapter 12

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The truth was that Daniel Levin had always struggled with his health. Always with a sniffle or a cough, The Dhan had taken a shine to him early on. They met at age fifteen on a wild camping trip, her with her friends and Daniel with his. The two groups happened to choose the same spot to pitch their tents.

Sat around an evening campfire which drove away the various insects of the Scottish countryside, the two groups of adolescents merged seamlessly and conversation continued late into the night.

Priya had found herself next to perhaps the slimmest and shyest boy of the other group. He wore a pair of unfashionable round spectacles, turtleneck jumper and shorts which displayed his milky, match-stick legs to comedic effect.

His dark brown, curly hair fell across his eyes partially and the persistent sneeze he had meant that he was perpetually either readjusting his glasses or brushing locks of hair out of his eyes.

She waved away the offer of a cigarette from her friend and continued her conversation with this intriguing Scottish boy.

"So, are those shorts for practical or fashionable purposes?" She asked innocently.

Humour danced across his eyes, and his partially chapped lips curled into a smile.

"It's the 70's, anything goes." He replied, teeth chattering.

She laughed heartily, "You won't be using that excuse for much longer. Seven more months and we're into the 80s."

He sneezed, before replying, "Very true." Daniel appeared to ponder this deeply for a moment.

The smile Priya wore threatened to explode into a laugh, but she held it at bay. He replied wearing a wry smile.

"I'll tell you the answer to your question when we hit the 80's, how about that?"

She giggled and looked away, embarrassed. She had been poking fun at this boy and now she was the one blushing.

Meeting his eyes again, she answered. "Deal."

Pulling a notebook from her rucksack, she jotted down her postal address and gave it to him.

A warm fuzzy feeling invaded her stomach as she did so, she relished it as it lingered. Suddenly she noticed other things about Daniel she had overlooked to begin with. His teeth were white as frost and improbably straight. His glasses masked the glowing intelligence hidden within his eyes. His jumper traced the outline of his chest underneath that hinted at tone as opposed to bone.

Daniel Levin had made an unforgettable first impression on her.

He folded the piece of paper and pocketed it, then they turned to watch a card game that was taking place. A sweet tension was present between them now.

"John! Stop cheating!" Called out Daniel, at his friend who had been studying his neighbour's hand.

John abruptly looked away, took a drag from the cigarette in his mouth and ignored the protests and glares that were now being thrown his way.

After the barrage was over, he met Daniel's eye mischievously and winked.

Sighing, Daniel shook his head at him. "Idiot."

"Does he often cheat at cards?" Asked Priya.

Daniel nodded vehemently as he took a swig of water from his flask.

"Whenever he can." Daniel leaned back in his chair and stretched his arms out. "Ruthless John Russo, we call him."

They laughed in unison as the boy in question craned his neck to a ridiculous angle to get a look at his other neighbour's hand.

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