Chapter 5

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Pulling into his driveway that evening, Jackson cut quite a different figure than when he had left early that morning. Eyes bloodshot, armpits sweat-ridden and no tie; he had had quite a day.

After hunting an assassin to no avail, he felt rotten all day. Andy was furious with him and he was lucky to escape with only a warning. Although, Jackson felt he had done the right thing given the situation so he ignored the guarded gossip about him that had spread through the station like wildfire.

She's the one I need to worry about. He checked his watch. 20:14. She'll know something's wrong.

His phone had stayed quiet all day, but Sabrina knew him. She had powers of deduction that were verging on supernatural.

Jackson stalled for a moment, setting himself. Then he unlocked his front door.

Sure enough, there she stood, arms folded and regarding him as he crossed the threshold.

Sabrina Jeffers was both an inch and a year behind than Jackson at 5'11" and 27 respectively; and was undeniably beautiful. She had hair the colour of mahogany that fell a distance down her back without so much as a curl or a kink, dark brown eyes to contrast Jackson's icy blue ones and a long slender frame that gave her a world of elegance and grace.

Today she had opted against contact lenses and wore a baggy pair of faded jeans coupled with one of her boyfriend's white t shirts that swamped her a little.

Deciding against addressing the elephant in the room, Jackson began to sing, "Baby you light up my world like nobody else..."

He did this while hopping on one leg as he struggled to free his aching feet from his shoes. Sabrina chuckled.

Jackson hummed the tune, inserting a "hey babe" in the middle as he sauntered up to her. Sabrina battled against the smile that was emerging onto her face and looked away.

This only encouraged Jackson more and as he reached her he put his arms around her and gave her a squeeze.

"You don't know you're beautiful!" He sang to the top of her head, that he had pulled to his chest.

Sabrina was laughing fully now, "Oh stop it now. Stop!" She offered up playfully. Her arms wrapped around the back of his neck and they looked into each other's eyes. She pulled him forward and they kissed deeply. It was a needed sweet release for Jackson and he made no effort to pull away.

The kiss intensified and their tongues met briefly before she gently moved back giggling. "Hey, that's enough now," although Jackson saw the shimmer in her eyes that hinted at 'to be continued'.

"Studying go well?" He moved to the kitchen and sat down at the table, massaging his temples.

She turned and began heating up his missed meal. "Yes and no, can't seem to crack gene theory. It's frustrating, but I mean, I procrastinated less than yesterday. Every cloud has a silver lining as they say." She glided over to him after a moment with a plate of lasagne and sat opposite him.

She then pinned him with a disarming stare that seemed to demand a full run through of his day before he was allowed to eat, despite no words ever leaving her mouth.

Jackson let out a trademark sigh and looked at the fugitive ray of yellow light on the kitchen floor being emitted from a street lamp outside.

He recounted everything start to finish and her expression became ever more worried as the story progressed. When he had done, he all but inhaled the food and belched loudly, reclining in his chair.

"Babe, you messed up, didn't you? You don't have a cape, you're not a hero. So please don't do anything like this again."

He began to pick at his teeth. "I know, Sab. It was all impulse, I...I just thought I had an edge this time."

She crossed to the chair next to him and put her hand in his. "Why though? I can still see you running through today in your mind. Just let it go, you came home. That's more than most people who chase after trouble can boast about."

She spoke sense, but it was at odds with the brave/foolish side to Jackson that he couldn't seem to shake. It had only led to recklessness so far, and a façade of arrogance.

This was what he was afraid of. The warning behind the words. It felt to Jackson that she was telling him 'it's fine, you're mediocre. Don't worry about it.' Yet all he could do was worry about it.

I'm not good enough. Not good enough at my job, and definitely not good enough for her.

He rested his head on her head and she cradled it, stroking the back of his head. They sat like this for a while and Jackson felt himself drift toward sleep more than once.

"You tired babe? Come on, let's go upstairs"

He obeyed and was led to their bedroom by the hand. Sabrina closed the door behind him and he began to pull off his uniform, wincing as he did.

Standing only in his old-school, baggy boxer shorts he turned and looked at her. She just stood, watching him. A playful expression crept onto her face and she bit her bottom lip seductively.

"What?" Jackson asked, not taking the hint.

Sabrina rolled her eyes and stepped toward him, taking matters into her own hands.

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